New paint job


Jul 11, 2008
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Oz, or somtimes Japan
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After installing the new headlight and officially becoming a naked FZ6, the o.e.m red paint seemed out of place, you know how a vehicle looks better in one color versus another, well the o.e.m red just was'nt matching the streetfighters new looks even though I love mettalic red, after looking at the prices on colorrite's website and hearing mixed reviews about their products, I decided to repaint the whole bike with paint I can trust, so after debating with myself for a few weeks I narrowed it down to three colors.

1. british racing green - just like an Aston Martin V8 Vantage:drool:

2. dark purple mettalic - it's sexy and powerful

3. bright orange pearl - look at me, I'm loud and fast:D

After looking at colors for awhile I picked an orange pearl, bright but not annoying, just dark enough to look mature, the color is Ford Europe's electric orange pearl from the 2005 Focus Mk2 ST, since I'll never get own one in america:( I can at least paint my bike like one.

Great orange color! I've always thought more fun vehicles should be offered in that color.

Can't wait to see the final results!
My ex did the same my insistence. I hated what I called sky-blue looked fruity. Too girlie for a muscle bike, the Vmax. I picked out the colour and the design, I loved it!! Good pick on the colour! At the time I was wishing that I had've picked a brighter orange
That orange is so sexy. On that v-rod. I want to get mine repainted I think a brighter blue and not two toned since it's the 05. Anyone know how much it costs to get a bike painted? (Fz6)
It's a VMax, not Vrod. LOL.

And Steph, down here we call that "Carolina Blue" and around my state it's considered extremely gay! :cheer: :D
if you like orange then you need to look at suzuki's metallic burnt orange. its on one of the gsxrs, but i dont know if it was the liter or the 600 but it looks amazing. its on the side pods, but it is also a darker orange, which i like, but if you are looking for something brighter then this isnt what you are looking for, but it is very subtle and awesome. burnt orange/Vikinglax18/Tha 750/DSCN2024.jpg burnt orange/davdoc0011/IMG_0664.jpg
this is it, but the picture doesnt do it any justice.
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