New guy here, is the FZ6 right for me?


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Jun 8, 2008
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Hey everyone, I've been lurking for a while now, and I have read that the FZ6 may not be the best bike to start out with. Supposedly below 7-8K rpms it is manageable, but after that it is a whole other world.

I have rode dirt bikes for a few years now, and even though I have fun I am very conservative on those. If I were to get an FZ6 it would be my first street bike (I'm 18). 2-3 people where I live have either wrecked or been killed on bikes cause they were doing something stupid, so that make me a little concerned, but it was their fault, and the crashes could have been easily avoided.

So, do yall think the FZ6 is too much for me if I keep the rpms below7-8K for the first 1-2K miles?
Hey everyone, I've been lurking for a while now, and I have read that the FZ6 may not be the best bike to start out with. Supposedly below 7-8K rpms it is manageable, but after that it is a whole other world.

I have rode dirt bikes for a few years now, and even though I have fun I am very conservative on those. If I were to get an FZ6 it would be my first street bike (I'm 18). 2-3 people where I live have either wrecked or been killed on bikes cause they were doing something stupid, so that make me a little concerned, but it was their fault, and the crashes could have been easily avoided.

So, do yall think the FZ6 is too much for me if I keep the rpms below7-8K for the first 1-2K miles?
Welcome to the board. I am pretty new here also and only have 700 miles on my FZ6. I have mostly rode cruisers so going to the FZ6 was easy for me. The cruisers were much heavier and I sure dont miss them. This bike is very easy to handle but like my friend said that has been riding and racing for years, after 8,000 rpms it is a different bike. When I get a new bike I always take it very easy for a while to become use to it. It is different so you need to be cautious. A different car is the same way. I dont think you will have any problems with it if you do like you say and not do something stupid. I love the bike and after break in it is riding even better. Good luck on your decision.
Hi, since you asked I have thought about your question. I've been riding SOMETHING since '69. All types, dirt, street, cruisers, etc. In my opinion the FZ6 is the ideal starter bike. I have an '06 in the red. If you take your time getting used to it and don't succumb to temptation, that is twist the grip beyond good sense, you'll have a machine that will get you where you want go. Then as you procceed with experience, you can add on all types of toys, which will make your FZ6 a statement on the street. This bike is very well behaved and you will have the time of your life. Have a good time, GRUMPY
Hi, since you asked I have thought about your question. I've been riding SOMETHING since '69. All types, dirt, street, cruisers, etc. In my opinion the FZ6 is the ideal starter bike. I have an '06 in the red. If you take your time getting used to it and don't succumb to temptation, that is twist the grip beyond good sense, you'll have a machine that will get you where you want go. Then as you procceed with experience, you can add on all types of toys, which will make your FZ6 a statement on the street. This bike is very well behaved and you will have the time of your life. Have a good time, GRUMPY

Wow! for someone so "grumpy" that sure was a happy :cheer: post!

It is an ok starter bike if you have self control... Be safe and smart and you will not regret your purchase!
Get a used Kawi 250, GS500, or something similar. You'll save money and be a better/safer rider in the long run. You have a lot of riding in front of you...this is just your FIRST street bike, not your last.
Get a used Kawi 250, GS500, or something similar. You'll save money and be a better/safer rider in the long run. You have a lot of riding in front of you...this is just your FIRST street bike, not your last.

and your beautiful FZ won't have and scratches, dents, dings, etc.... or a naked conversion! :rof:
If you crash doing something stupid, it's hardly the bike's fault... You sound like a kid with half a brain... The FZ6 can be a decent starter bike if you use your brain more than the throttle...

I say go for it, but be smart.:thumbup:
Whenever I save up the money, that was the first thing I was gonna do, go naked lol, and put some sliders on. Thanks for the replies guys, I guess before I can buy any bike I got to have the money to buy it with. Now I just have to wait...
Or you could get a used older smaller bike for less than a grand and start riding right away, sell it 10,000 miles later for the same amount you bought it for, and buy another bigger bike.
As a new rider, this is my only complaint about the FZ6... It's way too easy to over-rev. You have to be extremely careful, and even then I've found myself reving it way to high on occasion, luckily I'm quick on the clutch and it just makes a scary sound instead of a scary take-off. Once you're moving, it's really no big deal. Just keep it below 6-7k RPMs, which isn't hard to do. You can drive all day long, as fast as you need, without hitting that.

But seriously, it's the first thousand RPMs to worry about ;)
2-3 people where I live have either wrecked or been killed on bikes cause they were doing something stupid, so that make me a little concerned, but it was their fault, and the crashes could have been easily avoided.

You hit on a key issue for being safe on any bike... self control. It seems simple but it's not, many folks are hurt or killed because of not respecting a bikes power and speed.

I know it's well worn advice that's repeated on probably every motorcycle forum, but here goes. If you're like me at 18, I was significantly limited on funds. For this reason, I would recommend a used and smaller bike. You might be in for a bit of sticker shock when you see all the fees add up, taxes, insurance, licensing, and interest if you finance. Save some of the $$$ that would have gone to the FZ6 and invest in some good gear.
Get a used Kawi 250, GS500, or something similar. You'll save money and be a better/safer rider in the long run. You have a lot of riding in front of you...this is just your FIRST street bike, not your last.

Good , sound advice here.

Personally I would start on an old 500. Anything less and you will want to change it quick.

If its old you can bang it about and drop it without having a heart attack.

The FZ6 is a great bike but it can be a little beast.

You've got a headstart with dirt bike experience. I think if you would do alright with an FZ6 if you can be careful with the throttle as your experience grows. I would strongly suggest the MSF course if you haven't already taken it. If gives very valuble info on street riding. And if you don't have your endorsment yet, it's a whole lot more fun than DMV.
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The FZ6 is my first motorcycle. I got 1500 miles on it now. What seems to me that made it a great first bike was riding position. And that's about it. Everything else is you. It doesn't matter about the size of the engine, it's more of what are you going to do with all that power, and clutch control, keep it covered and feather the crap out of it until you get comfortable.

Another thing is this bike is pretty tame if you keep it under 4k rpm and that's not hard to do.
The FZ6 is my first motorcycle. I got 1500 miles on it now. What seems to me that made it a great first bike was riding position. And that's about it. Everything else is you. It doesn't matter about the size of the engine, it's more of what are you going to do with all that power, and clutch control, keep it covered and feather the crap out of it until you get comfortable.

Another thing is this bike is pretty tame if you keep it under 4k rpm and that's not hard to do.

+1 on ^^^^^

My first bike also. Keeping it under 7000 rpm its pretty tame, after that the teeth come out :sinister:
Hey everyone, I've been lurking for a while now, and I have read that the FZ6 may not be the best bike to start out with. Supposedly below 7-8K rpms it is manageable, but after that it is a whole other world.

I have rode dirt bikes for a few years now, and even though I have fun I am very conservative on those. If I were to get an FZ6 it would be my first street bike (I'm 18). 2-3 people where I live have either wrecked or been killed on bikes cause they were doing something stupid, so that make me a little concerned, but it was their fault, and the crashes could have been easily avoided.

So, do yall think the FZ6 is too much for me if I keep the rpms below7-8K for the first 1-2K miles?

Do what I did - get the bike restricted with a kit, limiting the bike to 33bhp and around 100mph.