New Decals


Junior Member
Jan 18, 2009
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I have seen many people on here that put the decals on the swingarm. So i decided to go for it to. I was expecting them to be a little bigger but so what. I did apply some clearcoat over them so hopefuly they will last longer. Probley going to remove that last spec sticker aswell.
Looks great, but get rid of that other sticker, but be careful doing it....they are hard to get off, and the swingarm scratches real easy.

Looks great, but get rid of that other sticker, but be careful doing it....they are hard to get off, and the swingarm scratches real easy.


Thanks, yeah I had bit of trouble getting the one off and did have some scratches but luckly I have som touchup paint from colorrite I was able to fix it up.
Yeah, those stickers are a beast, but it's well worth it to get them off. I had a horrible time getting the one on my tank to come off...and can you believe the dealer put a sticker of their own on the tank?! Sacrelige...

Decal looks great!
i dont recall where i bought my yamaha swing arm stickers.. where did you pick up yours??? is it reflective?? thanks :)
Looks great, but get rid of that other sticker, but be careful doing it....they are hard to get off, and the swingarm scratches real easy.


i used to work in a decal shop. we did great dane semi trailers, cop cars, traveled around doing gas station awnings. the trick to removing a decal is heat (and patients). you don't want to get it so hot that it melts. take a propane torch, hold it about 6 inches away from the swing arm. move it rapidly across the decal. you will see condensation appear on the swing arm. keep heating until the condensation evaporates (keep the torch moving). once it is warm (not hot) you can use your fingernail to remove the decal. if it doesn't pull easily apply more heat. if you start don't be afraid to add heat as you go. once its off some goo gone will get the adhesive off. never had much luck with a heat gun but you could give that a shot too
Looks great... makes me wish I had a silver swingarm.

I went for black on black because I didn't want it to be too noticable. It is on 'carbon fiber' vinyl so when the light catches it right it stands out and when there isn't much light you can't see it at all.

i used to work in a decal shop. we did great dane semi trailers, cop cars, traveled around doing gas station awnings. the trick to removing a decal is heat (and patients). you don't want to get it so hot that it melts. take a propane torch, hold it about 6 inches away from the swing arm. move it rapidly across the decal. you will see condensation appear on the swing arm. keep heating until the condensation evaporates (keep the torch moving). once it is warm (not hot) you can use your fingernail to remove the decal. if it doesn't pull easily apply more heat. if you start don't be afraid to add heat as you go. once its off some goo gone will get the adhesive off. never had much luck with a heat gun but you could give that a shot too


A hair dryer or a heat gun on low works extremely well and without the risk of open flame around your bike!

I've used a heat gun to remove all my decals and it works like a charm. Use a little mineral sprits or WD40 arfter to remove any leftover sticker residue. Too easy.
The easy way to remove stickers is with a hair dryer. Just heat them up and peel them off. Some times they leave a sticky residue but that comes off with some alcohol. I wouldn't want to use a torch on my baby. With my luck it would blow up or something. You should market those stickers for the swing arms. Do different colors. :thumbup:
Yea the WD40 + hair dryer works pretty good... They sticker itself wanted to keep tearing so had I to use my fingernail to scrap away piece by piece. Didn't leave scratch. after you take off the sticker just spray some more WD on there and wipe away.