New Commute to work


Samurai FZ Soldier
Elite Member
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Hillsborough, NH
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I must say that i like my commute in to work much better than my old one. All back roads, takes 5-10 minutes less, but has much better scenery and a lot more twisties!

I pulled over this morning and took some crappy cell phone pics at a lake about 20 minutes from my house. I can't wait to get the good camera out and take some quality ones soon!
Nice! Glad you two are in the new place!

A relaxing commute makes for a great day at work! :thumbup:
Nice! Glad you two are in the new place!

A relaxing commute makes for a great day at work! :thumbup:

Yeah, I am loving it, it is a little further out from stuff, but well worth it!

BTW: did you know that the FZ doesn't like soft beach sand? I almost got stuck out on the beach this morning :D
Yeah...Very nice pics indeed. And now I can finally see your bike man. I see you post stuff all the time on the forum. Cool man. I like the bike and the pics behind it. Yeah I need to post some pics of my bike as well.
Was is a little chilly next to the water tho?

Better than I did... I didn't scrub enough speed on an "S" turn exit this morning and locked the tires... Almost slid into the back of an SUV. My bad.... no harm done.... lesson learned on THAT corner!

You'll have to PM be directions to the new place. We'd love to come out and say Hi!
My commute will always involve jersey walls and multiple paths to death (lanes) until the market rebounds and I can think about moving again. But since getting the bike the driving portion of my total round trip commute has been reduced by about 90 minutes. Looks like you get better scenary but today I did meet a very attractive harley rider (female) at a traffic light :thumbup:
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I hate you. My commute is only 7minutes, and I SHOULD be riding a bicycle, but it's concrete jungle. I'd love to ride along the ocean for 30minutes to get to work than what I do now :( booooooring.

congrats though. soak it in.

Better than I did... I didn't scrub enough speed on an \"S\" turn exit this morning and locked the tires... Almost slid into the back of an SUV. My bad.... no harm done.... lesson learned on THAT corner!

You'll have to PM be directions to the new place. We'd love to come out and say Hi!

i will have to get you some directions, there are some awesome roads on the way here...

You could take the boring way too, but what fun is that?

127 is a good road that you can pick up from rt 4 and that is a decent road, or you can head south a bit first and then take 13 to 77 to 149 up from Milford NH. Or route 31 north from Milford to 202. both of those can be my commutes and they are fun little roads.!

the boring way is just 89 north to exit 5, then take 202 to hillsborough and then we are 6 mins off the highway in Hillsborough... not that fun, but faster
dang...I checked this morning at 57 here in Los ANgeles and I was almost crying from cold HA HA HA

My cousin (18 at the time) came out here for a few months a couple years back and the first time she woke up and it was 50 out she thought that for sure it would be snowing... it never sunk in to her that it sometimes gets too cold to even snow here. negative temps are a real downer...
My cousin (18 at the time) came out here for a few months a couple years back and the first time she woke up and it was 50 out she thought that for sure it would be snowing... it never sunk in to her that it sometimes gets too cold to even snow here. negative temps are a real downer...

you knows its -20 when the snot freezes inside you nose