Need help!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2008
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My little brother has just got is m/c license. He has rode my bike now and since he has done that he no longer wants a cruiser. The help we need is he needs more ammo to argue with hes fiance. She does not want him getting a fz6 because she said they are to dangerous that nobody should own a sportbike. In my opinion sportbikes are safer than cruiser because they are lighter and easier to handle than a cruiser. So we need as much stuff as we can to prove to her that it is not more dangerous than a cruiser. He needs all the help we can give him.

She was really pissed when she found out he likes my bike.
Similar to the guns arguement of guns don't kill people people kill people is the fact that the type of motorcycle doesn't matter if the rider is an idiot. Most fatal sport bike accidents occur due to excessive speed or improper gear. These two conditions can be recreated for any vehicle type, including non two wheeled vehicles.

Good luck changing her mind but most likely she won't listen to reason at this point.
Ask her; what makes a sportbike dangerous? Better brakes? Better handling? Power to get out of the way of stupid drivers?
Or is it the lower cost of ownership she's opposed to?
The fz6 is not a "sportbike" in the strictest sense, it's more of a "standard." Granted, its engine is from a sportbike but it's de-tuned (a little). It's got a more upright riding position thus providing the rider with a better position from which to view and respond to traffic, etc. And the more upright riding position also means that motorists will see more of the rider, thus making it safer than a true sportbike.

Hope this helps...
See if you can find some stats on the bike styles involved in crashes and demographics of the riders. Neither proves anything of course, given the distribution of these elements among motorcyclists, but combating an illogical argument with an equally illogical but more persuasive argument seems appropriate.
Tell your little brother to get the bike he wants, at the same time setting the tone for his future marriage: his ride, his choice.
tell him to put his foot down.. if he is in a relationship, then it shouldnt be one sided.. they should both sit down and have good arguments and not just call things dumb or stupid... use factual info and not just "feelings"... this way he can win :)

oh and have her explain how sport bikes are any more dangerous than driving a car or walking across a street... maybe she just has a biased view because no one ever took the time to explain things to her... good luck with your argument.. and remember.. if you have to resort to calling names, then you lost :)
As previously mentioned... the FZ6 is NOT a sportbike.

Sure, it has a 600 cc inline 4 cylinder motor like a sportbike, but the similarities pretty much end there. The FZ6 is more comfortable, lower cost to insure, and much more applicable to daily riding than a sportbike would be.

Regarding the argument that a sportbike is more dangerous than a cruiser, I can only point to the following example.

It really does not matter what type of bike a person is riding (moped, dual sport, cruiser, standard, sportbike, or superbike). Motorcycles are inherently dangerous, and there is a certain degree of risk a rider takes when operating a motorcycle. I've seen youngsters on a moped operate their bike with reckless abandon while a guy riding a superbike operates with care and precision. It really comes down to the individual rider and their abilities to apply their learned skills while riding. It really comes down to the old "Arrow vs. Indian" dispute.

My buddy rides a 2003 Honda Shadow ACE 750 CC cruiser, while I ride a 2008 FZ6. The capabilities of my brakes FAR exceed his braking power, same goes for handling, and the ability of the FZ6 to "get out of the way". His Shadow is an absolute slug when compared to the acceleration of the FZ6.

Do all of those attributes make the FZ6 more dangerous than his cruiser? Hardly... I'd argue that my FZ6 is a safer bike because I can brake faster, turn harder, and accelerate faster. That makes the FZ6 safer than a cruiser in my humble opinion.
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Maybe not mention that FZ6 top speed is close to 135 MPH. But, if the subject comes up, you could remark that this is way, way below top speed of 180 MPH of a CBX 1000 or R1. This should put her at ease knowing that the FZ6 top speed is only 135 MPH.
i wouldnt even bring up a top speed argument.. that will the nail in the loosing argument.. i would simply find out first "WHY" she is so against it.. then plot your conversations from that.. i can't speculate, but if she is really against them, you may need to find a new fiancee... oh and make sure you agree that once you have kids, your open to renegotiation on the bike.. that'll help ;)
Maybe not mention that FZ6 top speed is close to 135 MPH. But, if the subject comes up, you could remark that this is way, way below top speed of 180 MPH of a CBX 1000 or R1. This should put her at ease knowing that the FZ6 top speed is only 135 MPH.

135 MPH?
Mine has been 15 MPH faster than that.
So far anyhow.
First: If he hasn't already, make him take the MSF course. Even if he already knows how to ride, the course emphasizes on safety too, which he may not know a whole lot of, such as alchohol, classroom stuff, etc. Plus, he should get a discount on insurance, saving money. You can even take the course too with him, if you haven't already, even if you have riding expereince. We get many husband & wives, brother's and sisters taking the course together, even if one of them has some riding experience just so that it becomes a family thing.

Second: The FZ6, at least the older ones, are classified as a touring bike. Not a sportsbike. Not sure what the newer FZ6R is classified as:

Which brings to my next subject. The newer FZ6R has much less horsepower than the older models. It's geared towards more beginning riders, such as himself. Consider the new FZ6R as the little brother too.

Third: Make sure to wear all your gear on every ride! Not just a helmet. But gloves, jacket and riding pants with armour, and boots.

Fourth: Most important, make sure he becomes a member of this forum: Lot's of great info on here from very knowledgeable riders, who can only help new riders as well as experienced riders.
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+1 to what vegas said... get her involved and maybe she wouldnt be so against it.. maybe she'll even want her own fz6 :)
Has she ridden (rode?) on the back yet? I was highly opposed to my ex getting a bike...thought they were killing machines! After 1 ride as cupcake I loved it, the 2nd ride? I told him that I was sick of looking at the back of his head and wanted my own...I wanted to be the one taking the corners instead of just being behind him, going with the flow. He bought me my FZ6 for my birthday. He did *try* to talk me into getting a V-star (ick) but that bike put my knees under my chin! I got what I wanted and was thrilled with my bike.
Perhaps if she takes the course with him, SHE could have the cruiser!
Who's life is it? His own or hers (they aren't even married yet!?!?) I am completely with Norm. Get the bike he wants and be happy with it. She can simply "deal" and get over it. If she doesn't, better now than AFTER getting married when the breakup will cost him 50+ percent of everything he owns.

There is no arguement to be had and no reason other than "It's the bike he wants!"
i wouldnt even bring up a top speed argument.. that will the nail in the loosing argument.. i would simply find out first "WHY" she is so against it.. then plot your conversations from that.. i can't speculate, but if she is really against them, you may need to find a new fiancee... oh and make sure you agree that once you have kids, your open to renegotiation on the bike.. that'll help ;)

actually I would say that arguement REALLY doesn't work well with women who don't like sportbikes because then her focus will/could be, "You can't go get yourself killed on that crotch rocket because we have a family now, you need to settle down...". etc. I've seen many a good friend get their "sportbike privilages" taken away once the little ones enter the picture. I would say if your brother is passionant about riding, and wants an FZ6 or other sportbike, he should explain his situation to her and either she will be understanding and give a little ground to gain a little for herself with regard to something else she wants, or she will be stubborn about it and then as
FZ6sa said, I'd rather have the right bike and go find the right girl.
Tell him to just grab his ***** and get it. My wife didn't want me to get a bike period at first and I went and got one anyway. Now she has to deal with it.
I've seen many a good friend get their "sportbike privilages" taken away once the little ones enter the picture.

as long as its not a permission thing, i have no problem.. i will not ask my significant other for permission as "she is not my mom or dad...".. if you are in a relationship where you have your "privilages" taken away or have to ask permision for something, then you are in the wrong relationship.. being married and such is give and take / compromise.. not one person makeing demands that the other has to follow..

coursonap - tell your little brother that it comes down to personal responsibilty and money.. if he can swing it financially (and not endanger having kids, buying a house or other such things that should come first) then go for it.. after there is concenses between him and his fiance'.. if she doesnt want it and he does, then they should come to some sort of understanding.. sure the "you are the provider, what about kids," and other arguments are sure to be her's, but its about responsibility too.. if he isnt going to go out and hit 150mph all the time or try to pull power wheelies then great, your halfway there.. i would say that it really is up to him.. if he wants a bike that bad, he'll get one.. but remember to tell him that hey, your going to have a wife and possibly kids.. remember that when your arguing for a bike and it'll probably go over alot better... good luck with it and let us know when you get your FZ6!!! :)