My turn to go down...

Geesh, yeah damn diesel spills. Just think if you had been riding at night, I wonder if one could have even seen the spill coming up. Great pictures. Glad to hear that you're not banged up bad. Looks like you and I, both, went down during month of August. My faring scraped in the same area except on other side. I, too, had frame sliders (whew!)

Had that happen to me once too. I smelt it first then thought "oh crap...". Before I could finish that thought it was too late. :(
Had that happen to me once too. I smelt it first then thought "oh crap...". Before I could finish that thought it was too late. :(

I watched a show on the discovery channel the other day about motocycles and how thay are advancing to avoid crashes and one of the riders they interviewed had this quote:

"by the time you see oil on the track it is when your already sliding on your side over it and there is nothing you can do"