My new 2008 FZ6 is melting from the front.. Please help!


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Sep 12, 2008
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South Wales
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My bike has done well these past few months and has done just under 3000Miles in a few months. All was going well until on my way to work riding to Bristol I smelt a burning smell for a few seconds. Thinking nothing of it I put it down to the fact that I put WD40 on the bike the night before and the heat from the exhaust was burinign it off.

That night I was giving my bike some TLC and noticed between the front lights thier was a small area of wrinkled bubbly body work. It was not big, the size of a tennis ball stretching onto the plastic sorround that encompasses the lights. Could not believe my eyes. My new bike damaged and defaced. Yamaha have been sent pictures and south wales super bikes have inspected the bike and the rear/back of the fairing is unspoilt therefore only giving the possibilty of external heat source causing the damage.

My bike is in a gararge each and every night and under cover in the day. there is no way this was an external heat sauce ie a lighter a torch etc. the rippled paint work is not that of a burn. Clearly there must be a manufactures cause.................................

Can any one cast some light on this situation. Before its thrown back to me...
Any chance that very hot coolant was leaking from a vehicle in front of you or that, while sitting a light, very hot exhaust was not being blasted from the rear of another bike or vehicle?
The way I drive I dont sit to log for an exhaust to get in the way,, besides i think for the heat of an exhaust to do this damage it would be more spread and not so neat plus you would have to be there a hell of a long time. Coolant, dont think this is the case either as coolant would not create such a melting or bubbling in such a neat area between the lights.

Im almost sure its from the bike.. Just wondered if any body else has seen this before. thanks for the help. regards Darran
The way I drive I dont sit to log for an exhaust to get in the way,, besides i think for the heat of an exhaust to do this damage it would be more spread and not so neat plus you would have to be there a hell of a long time. Coolant, dont think this is the case either as coolant would not create such a melting or bubbling in such a neat area between the lights.

Im almost sure its from the bike.. Just wondered if any body else has seen this before. thanks for the help. regards Darran
I have never heard of that one before.

Please keep us posted with the final outcome.

I dunno if it is even possible given the angles involved but maybe the windshield or headlight acted as a lense for the sunlight? This effect could have been compunded by something on the lense.

It could also have been caused by a cleanign product that shouldn't be used on plastic.

I was expecting a joke post... 'My break-in period is over and it is just so fast it is melting'

Hope they get you straight. Make sure you fight to get it repaired under warranty if at all possible.
Sounds like some kind of electrical short. The smell and curling of
the plastic are symptoms of a short. I would check very closely
for wiring or connector damage. Seem like it would have blown
the fuse however? Are all fuses intact?
Post us up pics man, but most likely the smell and the melt were unrealated unless some one was shooting your bike with a lazer.

The wires dont go up to where I think your talking about, but I could be wrong I would need to see pics.

Most likely it focused sunlight from a windsield, it is a known problem with bikes.

Pics will tell us a lot more and we can be more help.

Also welcome to the site and damn dude that sucks!!!

Well my bike has been stripped down inspected and found to be fine so no internal electrical problems.....

I know have to find a new front fairing in black as i cant find the cash for a new one from south wales super bikes. £350 is there price to fit a new fairing.

My insurance is no good either as my excess is £400, si im absolutely torn, my new bike is no longer my love or pride of place. I need to fix her!

Any ideas. Regards Darran

Well my bike has been stripped down inspected and found to be fine so no internal electrical problems.....

I know have to find a new front fairing in black as i cant find the cash for a new one from south wales super bikes. £350 is there price to fit a new fairing.

My insurance is no good either as my excess is £400, si im absolutely torn, my new bike is no longer my love or pride of place. I need to fix her!

Any ideas. Regards Darran

i would look into how much a body shop couldfix it for. It might come out less than the price of a whole new fairing
Waaaait a minute! What's the cause of this? Please don't close this thread until the mystery is solved. Maybe, somebody has sprayed some kind of chemical on your faring that interacts with plastic? Or, is all that this is is a "fun" thread? I wouldn't replace the faring before I knew what caused this.
Taff, somebody mentioned the possibility of a cleaning product reacting with the plastic. That seems quite likely to me...

What about a solvent? Did you use Goo Gone or anything to remove bugs/tar from that area?
from the sounds of it i would also think some chemical, especially if the bike has been under cover whenever it is not being ridden. cover and garage will protect from sun and magnification of light through a lense of sorts, when have you used to clean the bike recently?
Let me think about this for a moment...

...between the front lights thier was a small area of wrinkled bubbly body work. It's the size of a tennis ball stretching onto the plastic sorround that encompasses the lights. Rear/back of the fairing is unspoilt therefore only giving the possibilty of external heat source causing the damage.

You got me on this one. Only an exterior burn on the anterior correct? There's many possibilities:

-Sunlight; refracted by the windscreen.
-Lightbulb; aimed incorrectly at the plastic.
-Chemical; some kind of acid was spilled on the front.
-Battery; check your battery. Perhaps it's leaking? Spreading acid? Unlikely.
-Alkaline; you cleaned your front with a powerful solvent.

There's simply too many different possibilities. YOU NEED TO SEND PICTURES!!!