My First Wheelie :)

MisterX Guy
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
Madison, AL
Well, not a full wheelie mind you. More of a bump up a few inches off the ground and then back down again. But a simple wheelie, none the less.

For some reason, I've never been able to pull off a wheelie. I pretty much chalk this up to inexperience and fear of either going all the way back and having the bike fall on me or losing control and crashing. However, the below video that I found on YouTube gives great instructions on how to do a clutch wheelie. After my first few unsuccessful attempts, I finally got the wheel off the ground. The more I tried, the better I got. I'm still way far from good at them, but it was kind of fun. :D

By the way, me trying to wheelie makes me a hypocrite. I really have no interest in any kind of stunting, but for some reason the wheelie appeals to me. :don'tknow:

[ame=""]YouTube - How to wheelie off the clutch[/ame]
Nice video with the clutch up method and congrats and using it to practice a few wheelies.

I used to wheelie the dirt bikes, but haven't tried to actually lift the tire on the FZ6. I pulled a tiny one up an on-ramp under heavy acceleration, but I shifted to drop it back down; maybe an inch tops off the ground.
Nothing wrong with the occasional wheelie! Balance is paramount to a well-rounded rider! We're gonna get lit up for this, anyway, I'd bet... :spank: :eek:
never tried to do one, but i do like this vid..

[ame=""]YouTube - How to wheelie a Motorcycle[/ame]
Well cool, all mine have been with power. I didnt know you could use the clutch to do that. LOL

It comes right up under power just fine though, but I will have to play with that method too. Looks like fun.
Ive power wheelied and clutched them up. I enjoy power wheelies more because they are smoother and more controled atleast for me.

Enjoy and keep it shiney side up :thumbup:
What gear/rpm are you powering up? I've only clutched it up once...

Its something you just got to play with untill you can get it to work for you. Its been a few months since ive done it but cruise at about 7-8k rock the throttle off then all the way open and as the power comes on it will lift the front off the ground and you can ride it out to the top of the gear and it will come back down soft

[ame=""]YouTube - How to Ride Motorcycle Wheelies : Motorcycle Power Wheelies[/ame]

...this is by no means instructions on how to do it just personal experence so dont wad yourself up :spank:

get out and have some fun :thumbup:
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Not wanting to steal the thread. If you look at Michael Neeve on Youtube he has a few instructional vids. Like getting your knee down.

[ame=""]YouTube - MCN: How to get your knee down[/ame]

Not wanting to steal the thread. If you look at Michael Neeve on Youtube he has a few instructional vids. Like getting your knee down.


I watched this one the same night that I watched the wheelie vid. The knee down video has some good advice. I've tried the techniques described in the vid, and although I've yet to get my knee down, I have notice a big difference when it comes to cornering. Thanks for sharing. :D
if your having a hard time poping it up. just put ur left foot on your back peg, and ur right foot by the back brake pop the clucth and rev that baby up. if you start to go too high let off the gas and tap ur back brake and set it down.
Its something you just got to play with untill you can get it to work for you. Its been a few months since ive done it but cruise at about 7-8k rock the throttle off then all the way open and as the power comes on it will lift the front off the ground and you can ride it out to the top of the gear and it will come back down soft

I might have to give this one a try as well. I did notice that the clutch wheelie was a bit herky-jerky, but the power wheelie seems a bit smoother. Thanks for sharing. :thumbup:
my DRZ supermoto used to wheelie for fun on the throttle even in 3rd all from a 40 bhp 400cc engine ..masses of torque,slower speed and an upright position made this bike great fun but IMO this in no way translates to the FZ !its totally different ,everything is a lot quicker and the rev range is much broader..1st gear is my only experience ..and then only as a controlled mistake..hehe..i could never wheelie my bandit 650 either and bandits are renowned for thier wheelieabillity :confused:..(sensible head on) i think i loose my nerve on public roads, death seems to come all to quickly to riders around my way,dont see why i should up the ante

on a lighter note there are a few wheelie schools in UK, maybe the British contingent could get together in the summer would be a great alternative to a trackday
I can only imagine the huge grins on those boys faces ;)

Nice video, thanks for sharing.

I won't be trying that any time soon, but I like to watch.

I can only imagine the huge grins on those boys faces ;)

Not gonna lie, but I was grinning ear to ear when I finally got the wheel off of the ground. However, I have to remember that accidents can easily happen, so I think I'll keep the wheelies that I do short and to the point. Just for my own personal enjoyment. I don't want my bike to end up like the one in the vid below.

[ame=""]YouTube - Buell Crash[/ame]
If you really want your bike to pull the front up easily in anything up to 4th gear.....go for a -2 front sprocket, +1 will be a vertable wheelie hound then, you will lose lots of top end...but who cares, how often do you ride over 200km/h!

To make this happen, you will need to do a 520 conversion on the chain and sprockets....14 teeth front sprockets are not available in 530...well not to my knowledge anyway.

im a big fan of stunts myself (to watch) but let us be reminded of the consequences in this matter... Warning: if your man enough to do the trick, your man enough to watch the vid :D

[ame=""]YouTube - Motorcycle Accident Bad Crash Stunt Collections Must SEE!!![/ame]