My dream is to ride...And i need your help

I was talking with some biker friends about this trip, and some of them were questioning whether or not the FZ6 can be driven in such road conditions, and that it would make my trip a living hell.

The farthest i have driven my bike for must be around 600km non stop. I haven't had any trouble but the roads i was on were all highway/ country road.

Has anyone gone for a trip where you had to drive 1k+km, did you travel on dirt roads ? How did the bike handle it ?

Thank you

I rode 3500km to france and back this summer and did some dirt roads. I am not at all experienced on dirt roads but I managed ok and was improving until I hit sand tracks which covered the bottom of the tyres and that is really hard unless you know how.

Gritty/stoney tracks were ok but slow. Make sure you have sliders fitted before you go on them.

Again I will say this because it is important. Get some breakdown cover to get the bike home. It can save you a fortune.

Fire starters and waterproof matches. No fire, no hot food. Rope for a cloths line.

Maybe cough drops? Riding that much in cooler air could dry your throat out.
I always carry a Tow Strap, mine is from the nylon pull (flat style) used by electicians. Fold up about 50 feet bind w/rubber bands. If someone nice enough can pull you... even another motorcycle. Just wrap around bar twice and hold on to tag end. If something goes wrong let go. Stored a lot smaller than regular rope and just as strong.
Then their is the personal protection discussion...that's a personal choice.
If you get into dirt or gravel SLOW is the rule... real slow!
Don't forget a full Motorcycle rain suit for you and any passengers.
Take some of your old underwear and socks and just toss them when
dirty. I usually carry my 40 S&W semi auto pistol too. You know for bears...
Great topic PatrickS! I seriously plan to do this myself this comming summer.

One thing that has seriously crossed my mind in my planning stages is how to become familiar with the hazards of camping in a far off place, without finding out the hard way.

Example: It would be a bad thing to pitch a tent (in pure ignorance) to close to fire ants, aligators, killer bees, etc. due to not being familiar... :rolleyes:

Any thoughts from experienced travelers?
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