Motorcycles do not make the best getaway vehicles

if that happened in america the cops would be dragged in court, and put in prison for life. not only that but they would get fired. Actually, if you rob a bank i dont care what happens to you. dumbarse deserved it. on another note, wow so thats what it looks like to broadside a car. /shudder.
if that happened in america the cops would be dragged in court, and put in prison for life. not only that but they would get fired. Actually, if you rob a bank i dont care what happens to you. dumbarse deserved it. on another note, wow so thats what it looks like to broadside a car. /shudder.
Totally agree, in the UK were to worried about the scum bags human rights. He got what he deserved.
nobody thinks about the bike? :(

Here in the US even the bike would be represented by an attorney! Bikes have rights too! In a case like that the motorcycle's manufacture would probably be sued for not making a bike that could withstand an impact with a car. If the bike had done better in the crash, then the company that manufactured the car would be sued for not doing better. Actually, in America, a case that was televised like that would end up getting everyone sued. Even the street person standing on the side of the road watching! I am sure he did something wrong!

OK, OK, I am getting carried away. But, it sure seems to be getting that bad here in the US. :eek:
To be fair, here in the US he would have been dropped by a headshot from a sniper the moment he stepped out into the street. There would be no need for a motorcycle to die.

IMHO, the police did not overreact. He claimed to have a hand grenade. This made him a threat to others. They acted in a way that put him off his guard and then rendered him incapable of using his grenade. (Can't pull the pin and ride at the same time, buddy.) Then to permanently prevent him from using his weapon, they used the vehicle to wreck him.

Clever thinking by the cops.
