More Nasty Weather


Shamus McFeeley

28 degrees here today and snowing. I can tell you that the pilot road 2 WILL work in snow, but I don't think it was designed for it. At one point on the way to work, I had to ride with my feet out like skis where the snow had blown and built up on the road. I still made it in to work before anyone else :thumbup:

This is the time of year I hate most in the south, weather just can't make up its mind. Just last week it was in the high 40s, one day hit 63! Now it's back to the random snow storms.
Wow maybe you could find you a beater cage for the snow days...... :rockon: :D

Unfortunately (or fortunately maybe?) my beater gave up the ghost last week in the form of a broken connecting rod cap.


Pictures tomorrow perhaps, all the snow on the road was gone by the time I left work. Still some on the ground, but it hasn't been consistently cold enough here for the ground to freeze.

Another thought occurs: I REALLY need a set of heated gloves!
HI! Shamus
I'm near huntsville alabama and it's 6" and ice on top of that howed you'all get by with so little snow:confused:
North Alabama mite as well be shut down till at least noon tomorrow:eek:
Similar weather where I live, in the mountains towards the coast. No snow, but plenty of ice on these winding roads! I was hoping to start commuting this week on the FZ, as the roads finally dried out, but nooooo. It has to drop into the 30's and get even slippery-er. :rolleyes: It's especially frustrating as the city I work in, while cold, is easily ride-able. Oh well, that's CA for you. Even the weather has to screw you in some fashion!
Yeah, its 12 below right now and there is a three foot drift of frozen snow blocking my garage door so no riding for me for another 4 months or so.:(:(:(
Be safe man. It was really slippery Up here in Wisconsin Today. Even my Subie had a hard time keeping traction. The snow is not joke. A buddy of mine too his CX 500 out last winter... he was just screwing around and lost it. Rear end sled out and he went down and hit his back pretty hard. BE SAFE!!!
Once again with the random snow. Was only foggy and raining on the way to work today. Raining steady when I left work in TN, cross to the KY line and there's already an inch of snow on the ground. Good thing I've been borrowing a friends heated gloves!


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Holy!? What the???? Hahahaha! Man you're a tough one! Burrrrr. Have Fun! :rockon:
Good for you riding! I can't stand the cold anymore plus I own a nice warm truck, so I drive when it is cold.

Coldest and snowyest winter in decades here in Missouri. Interesting commutes in my 2wd 345HP Dodge on sport truck tires. Not too bad, though.





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We'll have about a foot of fresh snow here by tomorrow morning. Maybe I should ride my bike to work... NOT!! :BLAA:

That's just insane.. in a cool way!
Sure is!, I took mine out earlier this month, before we got all this snow.
That was around 30 degrees. That's about my limit, otherwise gotta keep the rides short :rockon:
that's awesome though!