Misano here we come!

We arrived in Misano yesterday afternoon, 24 hours after leaving home. Flew Johannesburg-Frankfurt-Milan and missed our train AGAIN because I didn't realise that Malpensa airport is 55km from the city centre! That cost us a €105 taxi ride and €86 for a new train ticket which didn't make me too happy!

My mood wasn't improved when we were woken by the sound of torrential rain this morning. We had to walk to Cattolica to pick up the rental scooter which was about 3km but luckily by the time we'd had breakfast the rain had stopped. Riding on the wrong side of the road has been an education..

The adventure begins! At least the rain stopped, right?

And take it easy on that beast of a scooter Blah
This morning it's black sky again and just starting to drizzle, we're going to Tavullia this morning so that Mrs A can get her fan shopping fix out of the way then weather dependent we'll go to the track later.

I saw on the MotoGP app that MM was out on the streets of Rimini on his race bike recently, that's the next town up from here, a publicity stunt in Rossi's back yard perhaps?

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No trouble just having to be more focused lol

This morning the drizzle turned to steady rain so we went to a local fishing shop to buy raincoats then set off for Tavullia. I was quite impressed that I found my way there and back without getting lost! We both joined the VR fan club which immediately paid for itself with 20% discount in the shop, something my wife took full advantage of lol. Because the weather is so grim we decided not to go to the track today but we've been watching free practice in a pub while hearing the bikes from outside.

Tonight there is supposed to be an event involving the riders at the local kart track but I don't know if it is weather permitting.


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Thanks, Andrew, and keep it coming! It's almost like being there with you. I'll keep an eye out for you on the Live feeds. Go "anyone but MM93"!!! The series needs the competition or I just need to only watch Moto3 :thumbup:
Well, the Italian folks should be pretty stoked with Dovi and the Ducati after the first to practice sessions. Things may change though with the weather improvements.
Absolutely!!! I just saw where there were 62 crashes in the 3 classes today!!! :eek: Grip was pretty much non-existent.
Brenda Brenda.... Today the weather was perfect! Renting this scoot was the master stroke of the trip as the traffic going to the track was hectic, tomorrow will be worse. It was a great day out, Rossi finishing first in FP4 and qualifying on the front row had the crowd in a joyous mood :)

Tomorrow we plan to leave really early as last year we were a bit tardy and didn't get the spot we wanted.

Here's a couple of pics from today, sorry no pics of the racers but as I discovered last year you need expensive equipment, good access and talent and I don't have any of those :-(

guess who we support lol and NO it's not Zarco!

has Rossi had his chips?


a couple of views from where we sat. From the grass bank you can see almost the whole track.

Eni have a hospitality tent and Marco Melandri's superbike is inside.

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All I can say is "WOW"!!! :cheer: I have never seen a podium celebration that large :cheer: There was literally a sea of people! :cheer:
Today we went to Coriano to the Marco Simoncelli museum.


It was quite eerie inside, very quiet, everyone speaking in hushed tones or not saying anything at all. It is filled with pictures, bikes, trophies, helmets, racing suits and all sorts of memorabilia from Marco's earliest riding days to his untimely death.





Most of the street names in the villages here are named after people but this is one I didn't expect to see:


On the roundabout at Misano is a memorial to Marco


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Re: Misano here we come! SPOILER

Yeah it was mental all of a sudden there were people swarming everywhere!

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Yep, that's exactly the image I was speaking of. Amazing! I guess we know who won now ;) That was an awesome race, er post race. Were you caught up in the crowd?
We saw bikes from all over Europe during the last few days. Some rode far, like from the UK:


Some rode even further, like from Finland!


Tomorrow we start the long trek home. We returned the scooter this afternoon and just took the 46 flag down off the balcony railing so the holiday is officially over :-(


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