Miles in a Day

A little over 800 in a 12 hours shift. My butt was letting know it wasn't happy on the last couple hundred though. Other than that it was a great day.
A little over 800 in a 12 hours shift. My butt was letting know it wasn't happy on the last couple hundred though. Other than that it was a great day.

That is a lot!!! I don't ever see myself getting that done. I think my maximum is 200-250 so far, but I haven't taken any long trips with it yet. All my miles are work related and twisty local roads.
My day record is 450 miles. It was a great day, no stiffness, cramps or anything. The key is not so much stopping regularly to strech, but to drink and eat. And be sure to have healthy snacks which provide lots of energy (slow burning sugars, carbs). If you have a hamburger every 2 hours, expect to drop dead before making it back home :)

I bought my FZ6 for longer trips like that, and so far she's been more than perfect.
A little over 800 in a 12 hours shift. My butt was letting know it wasn't happy on the last couple hundred though. Other than that it was a great day.


That's an average speed of 67 miles per hour. That includes gas stops, bathroom stops, and stops for food.

You must have been hauling ass and using a really good radar detector.
900km. I have the lowered Yamaha seat and it was easy. No discomfort at all.

Having said that I needed the rest because I was getting fed up of riding by then.

ive only done around 250 in one day, took about 4 hours, the roads up north scotland are great for "spirited" riding :p

cant see myself doing more than 400 in any one day tho
750ish. I made it from San Antonio to past Little Rock in 11 hours. I wanted to go for the Iron Butt award, but the bugs got REALLY thick and I didn't have anything to wipe my shield off with.

That's an average speed of 67 miles per hour. That includes gas stops, bathroom stops, and stops for food.

You must have been hauling ass and using a really good radar detector.

Yea it was a long day for sure! It pretty much gas and go for the entire ride. Me and Thatguyx did the ride down to Deals Gap together, so he has a little more than I do for a record day. It was almost all interstate, and we tried to keep it to 85-90, and believe it or not only saw a couple cops. We did stop once to grab a bite to eat, but other than that we were riding.

On the trip down we did a little over 750 on a little over 12 hours.
500 In nine hours more then should be allowed sitting on that seat....(other then that it was a great ride)
Me and a buddy of mine riding 2 up with his SO did 889 miles in ~15hrs from San Antonio Texas to Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico and back . It got down to about 30 degrees on the way back.. around 18 degrees at 80mph down I-10. Couldn't tell you if it was comfortable because my ass was numb. Ride through Texas was boring as hell, west texas is empty and gas station are few and far between. But the ride in New Mexico was very nice, great scenary.
I haven't taken any long trips yet. Most I've done in a day I think is about 350. Rough map: Labor Day pictures from motorcycles photos on webshots . It is ALL curves and was all ridden hard. By the time I was done, my rear was getting pretty sore, but the last 3rd of the ride was slow in the rain, so we did a lot of sitting and not moving around much.
647 miles round trip to eat lunch at Hard Eight BBQ in Brady TX on Saturday. Left the house at 6:00 AM, arrived in Brady at 11:15 AM, ate lunch with a group of riders who came in from several TX locations, then hit the road for home at 12:45 PM and arrived home at around 6:30 PM. It was a good break-in ride for the new Corbin seat. Not bad...better than the Yamaha Comfort Gel seat which, in my opinion, was a waste of money. The Corbin will get further break-in when I ride to Florida next week.
I posted details about my Iron Butt ride last month. I rode 1066 miles in 19.5 hours (fully documented - certification pending).

Stock seat too! :rockon:

Next June I hope to do 1500 miles in under 24 hours for BBGold certification......stay tuned.
This would have been a good thread for a Poll.

But mine so far is 793 miles in one day, which included about 250 miles of twisties on a group ride with with Southern California members.

And I'm well aware of the record, 1066 by D Mac........It will be broken
i'll contribute to the least of the most miles thread-80 miles in one day. lol. yeah i know, i didnt make the 4 hour journey up to school which would have made it 300. ended up just hauling it because i really couldnt ride it up anyway. (i had to bring my car so my pops followed hauling it up for me).
well since we're on the topic lol...i took my ninja about 400 miles...worst idea ever on a pure sports bike!!! and i left at 11:00AM and forgot sunscreen :( another bad aidea lol....

but i did notice on the way to work this morning i was running late so goin a little bit like 80mph...we're at like 7k rpm' that normal for our bike? seems alot higher than what i'm used too
My longest trip so far was 850kms....asked Hubby and he said that's about 525miles. I'm just gonna believe him, don't feel like looking it up. We did that on Friday and did the exact same return trip on Sunday after Parry Sound Sportbike Rally.

My butt didn't hurt but on the return trip it felt like I had a red hot glowing coal inside my left shoulder blade. Then that spot was numb for about 3 days. Was strange and VERY painful, was taking Tylenol and Advil like mad!
About 260 miles is the most on the FZ and over 200 is a fairly regular Saturday ride for me. When I first got it I would be a little sore but now it's fine. Taking a 400 miler on next month we'll see how that goes.