Michelin Pilot ROAD 2CT? For track?


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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how will Michelin Pilot ROAD 2CT tires hold up on the track? Assume they are warmed up. Compared with pilot power 2ct's how much worse will they be?

also, can i mix them with pilot power 2ct's? front will be pilot power 2ct and rear will be road 2ct.
how will Michelin Pilot ROAD 2CT tires hold up on the track? Assume they are warmed up. Compared with pilot power 2ct's how much worse will they be?

also, can i mix them with pilot power 2ct's? front will be pilot power 2ct and rear will be road 2ct.

dont know of anyone that's punted the road 2's around a track....would also be interested to hear how they go from someone who has.

Don't know about the 2CT, but my Corsa III's, same type of design, worked great in the intermediate group. If I rode advanced I'd use a track tire.

I did notice that after a few sessions I could see where the two types of rubber met one another.

My bike came with a free five year supply of Corsa III's so I guess I'm sticking with them.

Here's what Michelin has to say about the 2CT:

Pilot® Power 2CT tires add two-compound technology to the already renowned Pilot® Power range. While 2CT technology originated in MotoGP racing, Pilot® Power 2CT tires are intended for the most demanding sportbike riders, who use their bikes both on the road and for track days. Its tread surface is divided into three separate areas, incorporating two different rubber compounds. This helps provide numerous benefits in terms of dry grip, lean angle, handling and progressive acceleration and braking on wet surfaces.

Track-day tire that's equally at home on the road
Real MotoGP technology from the tire company that introduced dual-compound tires in GP racing and has won 15 consecutive GP World Championships
20% softer rubber mix on the edges of the tread yields phenomenal cornering grip
Lean angles up to 51.2° measured on Michelin test track
Precise handling and feedback
An extension of the Pilot® Power line, not a replacement
Lap times within 7% of Michelin MotoGP slicks when fitted to Colin Edwards' Yamaha MotoGP bike at Malaysia's Sepang circuit in February 2006.
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ya ive had the pilot power 2ct's before. had them after my stock tires and replaced with them again (twice) when i hit nails. they are brilliant in that i know i will never have an issue with them.

but i cant afford to keep replacing them after a handful of long distance highway trips. they run me about 3000-4000 km right now. id like to get more out of my rear on the long straight stretches. thats why im thinking road 2's. Im planning a couple REALLY long distance trips later this season (20 hours of riding i believe for each) and would like to make both on one rear tire (along with 4 track days). Also, normal commuting and few hours joy riding every other day. I dont think the pilot powers have a hope in hell of getting thru that all and leaving me with any rubber down the centre.

so thats why i am looking at the road 2ct's. i will get them if they will hold out well at the track. also i will be riding in september/october at temperatures getting just below freezing.
I assume you're going to the track to push your limits and would not recommend Pilot Road tires. If you're expending some $$$ to hit the track, get some tires... at least Pilot Powers (whatever flavor you choose).

Tires are probably the most important investment you can make on a motorcycle. They aren't glamorous or eye-catching and wayyyy too many people skimp on budget rubber. Bad idea.

Pilot Roads are meant for sport touring, plain and simple. Get some Powers; either regular or 2CT. If you don't toast them completely at the track you can run the rest of 'em on the street.

From personal experience, I have a buddy who made the mistake of pushing a Pilot Road too hard on the street. He had gone on a long bike tour and didn't want to spend extra money to replace the still-good road tire when he returned. All said, the tire didn't hang with aggressive riding, he went down and spent a lot more money on repairs to himself and his bike than if he spent money on getting a new sport tire. If you're going to the track.... GET A TRACK TIRE! Post the crash pics if you don't lol.

IMHO :thumbup:
Pilot Road 2CT's are my next tire... made up my mind even before getting the new bike. They would have gone on the FZ6 next year.
I have run both the Road 2ct and Power 2ct on the track and found both worked similarly. The stress you put on a tire is based on your skill level and the bikes power. The road 2's were very good with no real "moments" of instability. The Powers are excellent on the track with our bike, the tire has as much or more than the FZ6 can dish out and are very confidence inspiring.

At this point I have done 5 track days (I ride in the intermdiate group now) and would feel comfortable with either the Powers or Roads it really comes down to your mix of riding. I commute on mine most days, ride agressivly on the weekends with liter bikes and do about 1 track day a month. The Roads are my primary tire and I will continue to run them.

Dont worry about the roads on the track unless you are running in the advanced groups or really track focused.
ive run PR2 on the track, no problems. Ive also ran the competition from Dunlop: Roadsmarts on the track as well.

Tires tech these days are far superior then just tires 5-6 years ago.

Tires was not the reason your buddy crashed, he rode to aggressively for his current conditions, blaming the tire is only blaming yourself, you control how YOU ride on that tire.
huge thanks to those that reply. I'm on the fence still, but leaning towards the roads. its my first ever track day in 8 days or so. will be in a performance school. then will be doing practice for rest of season maybe another 3 sessions after this one i think. will the roads even last that long? i highly doubt the pilot powers would.

I'm no valentino rossi....just learning.

also bear in mind the trip through the rockies, into montana, and back again to central alberta (works out to like 7-8 hours of riding a day for i think 3-4 days). i may cancel that and just do a 2 day trip thru the rockies alone. then the commuting and joyriding now and again.
my PR2 lasted less then 6k, my regular PP lasted less then 4k.

Dunlop Roadsmarts lasted me 6.7k

I am on Bt016 now but with a new bike.

If your really worried about track tires, you can always buy some take-offs from the racers out on the track who are practicing for their races. Other then that, pick a tire and ride. My buddy rode his new then 07 ex500 on the track, and that thing had big ol dinosaur patches for its tires... nothing aggressive - just a normal standard tire, he did just fine and was railing by the end of the day, he did get bumped into B group to.

Its not the tires, your tires and bike will lean more then what you are capable of doing...

Oh and you will drag your sidestand on the track.
My dad rode the SNOT out of his 07 Triumph Tiger with the regular Pilot Roads on.

I always think about how the guys in the late 80s rode sooo hard on such crappy tires. Then you think about how technology has grown since then and wah lah! If your not professional, You dont need racing tires, just a good ol set of street compound tires.

Compare the tires on these bikes with the tires now a days and how hard we ride. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6ZWPKX800E]YouTube - Mike " The Bike " Hailwood[/ame]
that riding position looks so uncomfortable. their knees are in their armpits for crying out loud!!