Messed up something when I changed my rear tire


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Aug 11, 2013
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Pullman, WA
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So I'm new here, like as of a couple hours ago. I stumble upon this site from time to time since I own a Fz6 but that's been the limit of my involvement so far. I'm not terribly knowledgeable mechanically, I take it to the shop for basic stuff, but I've been pretty good so far. Well now I screwed up and I want to take a more active hand in the maintenance of my bike, between the two of those I figured I better man up and try and figure this out.

Anyway, I ran over a nail a month ago, sucks, but I took the rear wheel off and got it replaced. When I put the wheel back on everything seemed to work fine, but within a day or two I started noticing an odd clicking sound whenever I was in my lower gears and was pretty consistent with my speed. I stopped riding after that and just took my car. Didn't know what it was but I figured I'd check it out when my friend got back. Apparently my rear brake calipers have been grinding into my roater and the center part of my wheel, creating an ungodly amount of small metal shavings. Nothing looks warped but I'm honestly not sure what to do at this juncture since everything we do to try to put the wheel back seems to put it in a position where its going to grind away. I miss my bike, its been the bright light of my summer and has been with me through most of my undergrad, I'd like to have it with me during my graduate years as well. What should I do?
Man, that's messed up. It's hard to tell from your pictures what happened but my guess is that you may have not gotten the slot on the caliper properly lined up with the matching ridge that's on the swingarm (see pic 3) which keeps it in place. I find an extra pair of hands (in my case Mrs. Lefty's) to hold the caliper in the proper location as you put the wheel and axel back on/in very useful.
I don't know how bad the rotor is ground but you might be able to find a good used one to replace it with.
Good luck.
If I were to guess, i would say that the right hand side wheel spacer was not installed; Item 19 of the attached parts fiche:

The side of the rim that houses the bearing & seal looks to be worn away from rubbing directly on the caliper mount. This will likely be ok when you re-install the spacer. Until you need to replace the bearing and seal that is.

I have a bunch of the parts that you would need for replacement if and when you go that route; just drop me a message.

Good luck and ride safe!

If I were to guess, i would say that the right hand side wheel spacer was not installed; Item 19 of the attached parts fiche:

I second that!!! RS item #19 is MIA.
Look about the floor and call the shop that did the work. Could be they kept it when balancing the new tire.

How tight did you get the axle nut? It doesn't look to pretty but it may not have actually damaged anything other than the finish and gouge - if you can get it replaced, it would be best. It appear the rotor itself took the brunt of the assault. You have a couple options. Find a true steel straight edge and check it for flatness or install it rotate it looking for uneven contact spots.

Thanks Scott!

Oh and Welcome 16bitHooligan!!! :thumbup:
Also, you can get a FREE, OWNERS manual here:

Boneman's FZ6 Site - Mods (this is a DIFFERENT LINK than from above, post #4)

As posted above, re-assembling with all the parts, in the correct order, make sure the brake caliper bracket is IN THE SLOT on the swing arm.

+1 on Skooters accessment. Missing that spacer is about the only way that caliper bracket will move over that far and rub.

If that rotor is as scruffed up as it looks, I'd probably be replacing it as its going to eat up any pads installed real quick due to its roughness. The rear brake will probably be extremly touchy now too...

While the wheel is off, check the wheel bearings too just as a safety measure.

Please post your results.:thumbup:
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I had the 'clicking' sound too when I swapped out the chain & sprockets. Turns out that when we reinstalled the brake caliper, one of the bolts wasn't installed properly and misaligned the caliper :spank:
$25 later & a used caliper off an '06 and I'm good as new. Was a good excuse to bleed the brakes, too.