MCN comparo Diversion vs FZ6 VS new Bandit vs. CBF600

Not in Boston, I haven't found this British weekly motorcycle magazine. They have BiKE and TWO, but not MCN

o that sucks. seems these non american mags are better then most of what we have here. they seem like they ride, unlike us american yuppies (not ALL of us). they even sell great bikes that arent sold here anymore or never were at all because americans are too wrapped up in looks rather then performance. they had to call the diversion "fz6r" and put a full fairing to make it more appealing (and misleading) making people think its a higher performing bike. i always say u can make a great bike thats ugly nice looking cheaper then making a great looking POS bike perform!
I agree with you. Most people in the US ride for fun and not for commuting whereas in the UK most is for commuting. I commute on my bike for 99% of my riding. With two little kids, I have no time to ride for fun on the weekends. give us a nice preview of MCN, but not all. It's a decent magazine - sort of similar to our Motorcycle Consumer News.
I agree that I wouldn't trade just for ABS, but it may have been the one thing that would have swayed me over.
I used to buy alot of magazines but realized they take up to much space in the house and my wife gets pissed at me. So I just reference all info online. I got my bike for fun which might be just about 10 miles a day then back in the garage.
This month's "Bike" has very nice review of the Diversion, the Kawi 650, a nice Honda naked 600, and the Gladius (or whatever it is called). In the end they raved about the Yamaha. They loved the motor, the comfy ride and the handling.
Every review I read on the FZ6R / Diversion is positive and everyone loves the bike.