Man hit by helicopter. Must ban Ipods.

Yes thats it. Must ban the use of ipods while crossing the street. You know so no one else is killed by helicopters. Oh the huge manatee. Death spurs headphone debate

Survival of the fit I say. Like an iPod has anything to do with looking both ways before crossing the street. Lets have more usless legislation while the left pose for holy pictures. We need legislation like this just like Custer needed more Indians.
I mean come on who thinks that they'll be run over by a chopper?! He probable looked both ways before crossing the street but didn't see the god dang thing cause it fell from the sky!!!
Ok kids.

Look left, look right, look up, now look left. Ok now cross the street.
Ban the ipod? come on this is ridiculous. Some senators need to watch less soapoperas or whatever it is that's affecting their IQ adversely....Why don't they ban walking???
This must also mean deaf people are in danger of getting hit by runaway helicopters! We should pass a law making it illegal to be deaf.

Honestly, he was probably wearing noise reducing headphones like my Shures, I can barely hear anything when they're in, even with no music playing.