Loud Pipes = FAG!!!

God Bless America!!!


Thanks Pete. I missed that one.
I kept wondering how long it was going to take to come up on the forum.

Agreed - could be the best SP ever! I almost pee'd myself laughing. Will it hit home? I doubt it. Ya gotta love SP.
Geee, I wonder if this is why the 5:00 a.m. fag hasn't been thundering down my street almost every morning. Maybe he watches SP? Thanks Hellgate for the link!
On YOU TUBE I could only find the first 3 parts. Only missing the 4th part



Sadly, I have to spread the rep around again before I can give it to Pete. South park is just to funny for all the wrong reasons. God bless Mr. Jefferson. ↲↲Nelly. Ps watching u-tube on my phone is to painful. I will watch Eric's links tomorrow.:BLAA: