Living on welfare: 'I don't want to have a job'

This is why everone wants to come to England.Free money free housing and you dont have to lift a finger for it.:eek:

BBC News - Living on welfare: 'I don't want to have a job'

U sure about everybody?

I came here less then 10th years ago. Paid twice as much for my education then an EU student and since have paid at least 40 grand in tax and been a contributive and active part of the community.

Benefit slobs (and illegal immigrants) make my blood boil too but please don't direct your hate at everyone.....
Who DOES want a job? It really cuts into your riding time.

I think there are a lot of people doing that in the states. As long as they were laid off without fault, they can collect unemployment for quite a while. It's not much money, but if you don't have a family to support or a lot of debt, you can live off it. It's not government money, it's insurance paid into mostly by the employer. If you can swing it, more power to ya. But eventually, you do have to go back to work. I don't know what that guy was whining on about. He should just get a job at the post office or something. Unless my understanding of the exchange rate is way off, 65 pounds a wk is nothing.
You don't have to go to England to get everything handed to ya... The U.S. has a HUGE segment of population that live on welfare benifits and to top it all off they can live next door to me and pay $30 a month on their mortage and have the goverment pick up the rest of the bill.... I would just like to say Thankyou to Ronald Regan for his awesome H.U.D. system that destroyed all of us hard working peoples neighborhoods and made the Banks that put him into office SUPER RICH what an Great president he was... :spank:
This is why everone wants to come to England.Free money free housing and you dont have to lift a finger for it.:eek:

BBC News - Living on welfare: 'I don't want to have a job'
Sadly you are not alone. I listened to a radio show the other day. The interviewed person stated that they would like to work. But, with the benefits they were currently getting. Child support, rent allowance, uniform/book allowance, free medical. They could bot go back to work on a salary under €60.000.
Please don't get me wrong I totally respect the interviewed lady's point and frankness. She wants to work but it's not worth it.. My wife and I who work full time and have to pay for rent and medical barely hit €60,000 a year.The problem is that benefit living has become a life choice and not a safety net. Our economics are being screwed buy th vry people thy were meant to protect.
I am Chuffing Pi55d of with it now.
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Agreed! I work in the ER of a large city hospital and I can usually pick out the patients and family who have medical assistance. They are normally wearing shoes that I can even dream of affording, have the best designer clothes, the ladies usually have perfectly done nails, and don't get me started on the watches and other bling. I don't get to see their vehicles but I can only imagine.

Don't get me wrong - I know there is a need for honest people to have welfare for times that are outside of their control, but the system definitely needs to be closer monitored and only given to those who truly cannot provide for themselves or just need a little temporary help. OK, sorry. I'm off the soap box now.
Personally i've not got a problem with people on benefits,it's there to help those that need it to get by until they can get back to work.It's those that abuse the system and milk it that i cant stand and nowerdays everyone seems to know someone abusing it!!!
Rant over sorry about that.
As we have seen here in the US it doesn't take a huge amount of time on welfare for an individual to readjust their standard of living and not want to get off the benefits, and just live a downscale life (talk to welfare workers). It's called 'moral hazard' and we are living it big time now with bailouts and handouts galore. Whether we pull out of this dive or crash and burn remains to be seen. That's what the discussion we are now having on a national scale is all about......whether 'American Exceptionalism', as recognized by de Toqueville, is dead, replaced by the huge shift in recent years towards an entitlement culture. Both cannot exist at the same time.
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I am going to weigh in on this one against my better judgement. When I left my ex and a VERY horrendous situation, I needed to go on social assistance. I was on it for a year and am very thankful that it was there when my children and I were in need.

I have now been working since August last year and just got a promotion to Supervisor this week past, and I start training in August for Cash Office Manager.

If social assistance hadn't been there for me to get my feet under me through the court trials, counseling for my children and helping the kidlets adjust to a new city, school, losing the friends they had (we had to move 8 hours away), I'm not sure I could have kept a job at that point, missing days, weeks at a time for trials etc.

So for me, there may be people that milk the system, but I am soooo thankful that it was in place for my emergency situation.
Awesome story, Steph! It was for people and situations like yours that this system was intended for! I applaud you and your children for surviving and thriving after a terrible situation! Congrats on your promotion and many wishes for continued success and happiness!!
I am going to weigh in on this one against my better judgement. When I left my ex and a VERY horrendous situation, I needed to go on social assistance. I was on it for a year and am very thankful that it was there when my children and I were in need.

I have now been working since August last year and just got a promotion to Supervisor this week past, and I start training in August for Cash Office Manager.

If social assistance hadn't been there for me to get my feet under me through the court trials, counseling for my children and helping the kidlets adjust to a new city, school, losing the friends they had (we had to move 8 hours away), I'm not sure I could have kept a job at that point, missing days, weeks at a time for trials etc.

So for me, there may be people that milk the system, but I am soooo thankful that it was in place for my emergency situation.

Spot on....That's how it's meant to work. Kept you going, and now you're back on your feet:cheer: (very happy for you too, I might add). Some people may take longer to get their life under control, but are still using the system correctly.

But there are always some who believe it is OK for them to not have to work, and pay, and that it's up to other folks (like me for instance) to pay their way for them so they can live the easy life:(. I don't like those people very much.
I am going to weigh in on this one against my better judgement. When I left my ex and a VERY horrendous situation, I needed to go on social assistance. I was on it for a year and am very thankful that it was there when my children and I were in need.

I have now been working since August last year and just got a promotion to Supervisor this week past, and I start training in August for Cash Office Manager.

If social assistance hadn't been there for me to get my feet under me through the court trials, counseling for my children and helping the kidlets adjust to a new city, school, losing the friends they had (we had to move 8 hours away), I'm not sure I could have kept a job at that point, missing days, weeks at a time for trials etc.

So for me, there may be people that milk the system, but I am soooo thankful that it was in place for my emergency situation.

:cheer: :cheer: Steph :cheer: :cheer: Congrats on the promotion :thumbup:

Like others have said , your the kind of person the system is there for....... So many around the world however continue to abuse it :spank: