Kudos to a select few Harley riders.


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
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I know, i know... but hear me out :scared:
So two nights ago (i think) I had no gas in the car and woke up late (I work nights), so i ended up taking the bike in a torrential downpour + lightning of epic proportions. Anyways after a grueling work commute, at night, on deer infested, wet backroads, in a lightning storm, i made it to work. I pulled in thinking "oh good the motorcycle parking will be nice and empty for me!" Wrong, Turns out a couple of guys with Harleys willingly came to work on the bike, despite the weather. My helmet off to them, sure i did it but had my car had gas in it i'm fairly sure i'd have taken it. I figured most guys with Harleys don't ride them unless it's nice and warm, and the bar's are open :spank:
Although in my defense i'm sure that the big wall that they call a windscreen helps against the elements, compared to the little piece of pathetic plastic Kawi calls a windscreen. That and one of the two bikes there was a trike...but anyways i thought that was pretty cool.

In other news people on lawnmowers seem to have a NEED to wave at me... :ban:
I've seen a couple ride in snow. Some of these guys dont have cars quite honestly and thats the only way for them to get around.
I was riding back home on the bike this past saturday in heavy rain and seen a harley guy and his woman pulled over on the side of the road hiding under a tree lol. I honked and waved really big as I rode by lol.
My dad rides his Harley almost every day of the week. I think he has over 50,000 miles on it now, after about 4-5 years or owning it. Problem free too! He has ridden in some crazy downpours.

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harley riders in the rain ? You must live in a very weird place ...

99% of the harley/cruiser riders around where I live are nice and always wave/talk but a lot of them do not ride in bad weather. A lot of the sports guys do not ride in the rain either though around here lol.
I've seen a couple ride in snow. Some of these guys dont have cars quite honestly and thats the only way for them to get around.

I think this is probably the case... Not sure how these guys afforded a 30,000 dollar Harley on a factory worker budget... so i'd bet it's their only transportation. Bikes are parked there every day. But even so i found it a strange phenomena that a Harley rider would dare go out in the rain :D
In other news people on lawnmowers seem to have a NEED to wave at me... :ban:[/QUOTEDXH24]

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Many years ago we were on a trip thru South Dakota at the same time as Sturgis. We stopped by Mt Rushmore just as a violent thunderstorm struck, complete with hail. Most of the Harley folks disapeared real quick while we sat in the car. However there were some that kept going including one on a old HD. During the summer a lot of them won't wave but in January and February EVERYONE on a bike waves.