KONY 2012 - What do you think?

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plain evil
Feb 23, 2009
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A friend sent me this link yesterday and kindly asked me to take 30 minutes out of my night to watch this. I was skeptical at first but I put it on the TV after dinner and I'm glad I did. Here I am doing the same and spreading the word. It's great to look at funny stuff on the internet, but can we use the power of this global connection to affect positive change? We might be getting there. :thumbup:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4MnpzG5Sqc]KONY 2012 - YouTube[/ame]
thanks for sharing this! i'll definitely support this cause..but i think they should have picked a better day than april 20th (marijuana day) to take action :D
thanks for sharing this! i'll definitely support this cause..but i think they should have picked a better day than april 20th (marijuana day) to take action :D

Seriously! Maybe it was supposed to be a reference to Hitler, who was born on April 20th?

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Maybe I'm just insensitive - but personally, I don't give a crap. I didn't watch the video because it was a half hour long and it looked boring beyond believe. I watched about 45 seconds and closed it. I didn't have the patience.

If somebody lays it out in a paragraph or 2 maybe I would be more understanding. Not sure what the hype is all about but Africa has its own problems, America doesn't need to meddle in yet another countries business. We have our own problems, we can't solve everybodys issue. Let us focus on OUR issues first. Yerp I'm a bad person.

merica :rockon:

I completely agree, thats one of the many reasons why this country has been in such a mess here lately, we always try to police the world. If we could stop worrying about what's going on thousands of miles away and focus on helping our neighbors...just imagine how much better shape we would be in

Just sayin
cliff notes please, I'm a United States citizen I don't have that kind of attention span. I agree about helping out at home before you offer help to others, then maybe we wouldn't have so many debts as a country.
Maybe I'm just insensitive - but personally, I don't give a crap. I didn't watch the video because it was a half hour long and it looked boring beyond believe. I watched about 45 seconds and closed it. I didn't have the patience.

If somebody lays it out in a paragraph or 2 maybe I would be more understanding. Not sure what the hype is all about but Africa has its own problems, America doesn't need to meddle in yet another countries business. We have our own problems, we can't solve everybodys issue. Let us focus on OUR issues first. Yerp I'm a bad person.

merica :rockon:

*Sigh*. This is what's wrong with our country. Seriously.

Joseph Kony is a terrorist who kidnaps children. Then he makes them mutilate other people, kill randomly for him, and to cap off their "training" he forces them to kill their parents.

Course, that's just if you're a guy. If you're a girl then he forces you to be a sex slave. Basically, he's a pedophile that uses the boys to kidnap girls to feed his habit.

Seriously, he's been doing this for 20+ years. How do you not know this?

All these people want is 30 minutes of your time and you to shoot off an email to your congressman. Maybe, if you feel moved enough, $1 or 2 dollars a month. And this is not just a USA thing. This is a worldwide movement.

Pull your head out and actually give a crap for once. :spank:
thanks for the summery! it's not that I don't care its just that writing or emailing any politician is about as useful as mailing my Christmas list to Santa. If I had large amounts of money to contribute to their campaign then maybe they'd listen to me. This has been going on for 20+ yrs and you think 30mins is really gonna fix it? If our government viewed him as a threat wouldn't he be dead already? :cheer:
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*Sigh*. This is what's wrong with our country. Seriously.

Joseph Kony is a terrorist who kidnaps children. Then he makes them mutilate other people, kill randomly for him, and to cap off their "training" he forces them to kill their parents.

Course, that's just if you're a guy. If you're a girl then he forces you to be a sex slave. Basically, he's a pedophile that uses the boys to kidnap girls to feed his habit.

Seriously, he's been doing this for 20+ years. How do you not know this?

All these people want is 30 minutes of your time and you to shoot off an email to your congressman. Maybe, if you feel moved enough, $1 or 2 dollars a month. And this is not just a USA thing. This is a worldwide movement.

Pull your head out and actually give a crap for once. :spank:

So that is what is wrong with this country? Psshhh.

My input isn't at all productive here. I'm not helping your issue. Yeah he's a terrible person but...before you get me started on some issues I really don't feel are at all relevant, let me say don't point your finger at me saying me not watching a 30 minute youtube video that could have been summarized in 2 minutes is the reason the country has issues. Blaming my personal reason for not watching a video has NO correlation to any issue in this country.


I'm done with this thread before I get myself into trouble
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Investigate before jumping on board with any cause...Here is interesting bit about "invisible children"

They call themselves "a movement" seeking to end the conflict in Uganda and stop the abduction of children for use as child soldiers, but behind the slick website and the touchy-feely talk about "changing the course of human history", there's a hard-nosed money-making operation led by US filmmakers and accountants, communication experts, lobbyists and salespeople.

So far the organization has released 11 films and run film tours across the US and other countries to raise awareness. In Uganda, it has given scholarships to 750 children, and helped to re-build schools there and in centralo Africa. The organization's accounts show it's a cash rich operation, which more than tripled its income in 2011, with more than two thirds of its money coming from "general donations".

The accounts suggest nearly 25% of its $8.8m income last year was spent on travel and film-making with only around 30% going toward programs on the ground. The great majority of the money raised has been spent in the US. $1.7 million went on US employee salaries, $357,000 in film costs, $850,000 in film production costs, $244,000 in "professional services" - thought to be Washington lobbyists - and $1.07 million in travel expenses . Nearly $400,000 was spent on office rent in San Diego.

I'm with the "others"... fix here, then we'll go there....
Just like Eric said.... Yes, I am sickened by the actions of this guy but this isn't how to stop him. Hunt the b@stard down and shoot him and I'm sure we can find someone to do it for even a small portion of the profits these buttholes are raking in to exploit a situation and not make as big a difference as they can/should.

Hell, me and a few other ex-military can take care of this for 10% of their take at Kony 2012.

Who's in?

1. Eric
2. ?
I'll donate your ammo, unless you want to drag me along, not ex-milatary or have any formal training but I am one hell of a shot lol
The whole thing stinks of shady. I think it is a good cause but I also think it's not effective nor is it being handled properly. It will take more than taking Kony out... it will take the removal of a lot of people serving under him. If only all his little armed minions would point their barrels back the other way and make their stand...
Just watched a fairly long story about this on the CBS News. Only about a quarter of the funds they've collected so far have actually gone to Africa...
Just like Eric said.... Yes, I am sickened by the actions of this guy but this isn't how to stop him. Hunt the b@stard down and shoot him and I'm sure we can find someone to do it for even a small portion of the profits these buttholes are raking in to exploit a situation and not make as big a difference as they can/should.

Hell, me and a few other ex-military can take care of this for 10% of their take at Kony 2012.

Who's in?

1. Eric
2. ?
Not ex-mill but I can shoot fairly good! And I love to experiment with explosives!
Count me in!

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