Just got out of ER


Tiger Trainer
May 25, 2008
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Flagstaff, AZ
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While coming down down a twisty mountain road, I hit a small patch of gravel in a tight left hand turn going about 35. My rear tire slid out and I grabbed the front brake (which only made things worse). Low sided and slid. My bike got wedged under a guard rail, so did I, about 15 feet away. I hit a wooden guard post with my left side.

As soon as I stood up I took my helmet off and threw it in total anger. I went over to the bike to assess the damage and broke into tears. I'm not sure what DIDN'T get damaged. Luckily, a bunch of people were getting off work from a ski lodge on top of the mountain and stopped to help. I used one of their phones to call 911 (the adrenaline was wearing off and I was starting to hurt), my phone didn't get any reception. While I was making phone calls they used my camera to take some pictures. They also took a picture of the spot that I hit, you can see the dent in the ground where I was.

I rode to the hospital in the ambulance, and spent 5 hours in the ER. Nothing's broken, but I'm badly bruised and have a large piece of road rash where my jacket came up a bit, even though it was hooked into my belt. I can hardly walk, due to severe bruising or something on my left hip and flank. I haven't seen my gear yet, but my boots are really the only thing that made it out.

I seriously hope the bike is totalled. I don't have full coverage (couldn't afford if I made twice as much money as I do now) But if it is totalled then my GAP insurance should take care of the payments.

All in all, I made a mistake which made a bad situation worse. There were plenty of variables that caused me to lowside, but if I stayed off the front brake I might have been able to save it. All I can remember clearly is looking back while I was sliding, and seeing the bike about a foot away from my face, and thinking "This can't be happening to me." I had a nervous breakdown at the scene, and still feel all sorts of emotions welling up inside me. I just want this to be over.
wooaaa... we're all glad you're in good shape. Your health is all that matters in situations like this. The bike can be replaced. Cheer up mate.
As for everone else glad to see your only bruised, sorry about the bike, i would be devestated, but think well at least im alive, and no major injuries. Once again sorry to hear.
sorry about your bike, but as already stated... glad your ok!!!
Too bad about your bike:( But I'm glad you are ok. We're thinkin about you while you are on the mend.
Dood - that sucks but I'm glad you are OK. I know everyone has said it, but try to keep it all in perspective. I could have been a LOT worse if you had hit that post with your neck instead of your left side.
Man my heart goes out to you. That sucks. I am very glad you came out with only th damage you have. That sucks man.
Man that sucks, and I'm pissed off for you man. The flipping ER sucks, you not being able to ride your FZ sucks, the pain you're in sucks, having to go through all the BS with the insurance sucks. D&MN dude sorry. The best thing for you bro is to let all the rage and anger out. Vent to all of us and don't keep that sh!t inside.
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As stated above, everything is replaceable except YOU. Glad you are still in one piece. Please keep us posted as to how the insurance plays out. Hope you recover quickly!
dude... glad your ok.. with seeing the pics.. that could have been very bad.. lucky to not have broke anything.. time will heal.. insurance will pay.. and ull be ok.:thumbup:
Geeze man glad you're ok and there were no cars coming. Guardrails scare me and gravel is never good. Good job wearing decent gear; I hope the stomach rash isn't too bad :( You have your health so try and keep your spirits up. Keep us posted and get some rest.
Glad to hear that you are doing fine and only suffered from minor injuries. As for your bike, I cannot even imagine what you're going through. Hopefully, as you stated, it gets totalled out so that the GAP insurance covers it. Keep us informed.

I'd be surprised if your bike wasn't totalled! You got lucky.....glad you're relatively ok.
Sorry about your bike, but I am glad that your injuries were not worse.
bike looks in bad shape from pics--totalled. you are lucky. i had a freind get decapitated from a guard rail. give thanks my friend