Joe Biden- Liar and War Advocate

I did look at his site. It is obviously extremely biased and I would be shocked if they mentioned anything that could be perceived as negative, hypocritical, or anti Obama. He voted with the Bush Administration all along though (not for the surge though, just everything else). I'd call that pro war. It's very inconvenient to be pro war these days, so blame it on the administration when you yourself voted for it! And advised the administration to do the same!

These are some rather generalized statements that I'll take as your opinions unless you can provide us with links to the facts. But, I'd be willing to read anything you can factually link to stating above. :thumbup:

Any politician's site is going to be biased. We can say the same for each candidate. I don't think it would be wise for any candidate to shoot themselves in the foot on their own web site. No candidate will do that.

What troubles me is the amount of slander and negativity that is thrown around by the media and fed to the public who then takes it as gospel. I personally don't want to hear the dirt, the negative, or the slander. I want to know what each candidate is going to do about the problems we as American's face today. I want to know how they will resolve the issues that the Government needs to deal with daily and do so without turning over a 3 trillion deficit. I want to know why we can afford to support third world countries and not put food in a starving child's mouth here in the U.S.A.

I wish people would stop pointing out the problems and start implementing solutions.
These are some rather generalized statements that I'll take as your opinions unless you can provide us with links to the facts. But, I'd be willing to read anything you can factually link to stating above. :thumbup:

Any politician's site is going to be biased. We can say the same for each candidate. I don't think it would be wise for any candidate to shoot themselves in the foot on their own web site. No candidate will do that.

What troubles me is the amount of slander and negativity that is thrown around by the media and fed to the public who then takes it as gospel. I personally don't want to hear the dirt, the negative, or the slander. I want to know what each candidate is going to do about the problems we as American's face today. I want to know how they will resolve the issues that the Government needs to deal with daily and do so without turning over a 3 trillion deficit. I want to know why we can afford to support third world countries and not put food in a starving child's mouth here in the U.S.A.

I wish people would stop pointing out the problems and start implementing solutions.

I agree with you. The point of this thread was for a discussion of Biden and why, with his history of supporting the war, plagarism (both in law school and as a senator), blatant falsification of his and his family's past, and current criminal investigation involving his son and brother the lobbyists, are there no newstories about it. Palin is being crucified for far less and it's all headline news. Biden gets a complete pass from the media?

I agree with you, the negativity is out of control and ALL I want to hear is 1. What has this person done with their career in government and 2. What are they going to do if elected. And I want specifics, no vague references and bold promisses that either can't be deilivered or would have a negative effect fs they were.

Someone chime in here on why Biden gets a total pass while Palin is crucified by the media. He has far more slander material. I just read an article about his interview where he claims DC students perform badly because they have too many minorities, while Iowa does much better because they only have a slight % of minority students. He just publicly stated that minorities are dumber than whites and no one cares!

"Biden attempted to explain why some schools perform better than others — in Iowa, for instance, compared with the District. “There’s less than 1 percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than 4 or 5 percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you’re dealing with,” Biden said."

Here's the link:

Biden: What You’re Dealing With - Blacks | Sweetness & Light
Someone chime in here on why Biden gets a total pass while Palin is crucified by the media. He has far more slander material.

If I had to guess, it is because Biden has had his media horrors over the last 36 years in Washington over the course of time, thus, most of what they'd bring up is merely old news that we've all heard before. Palin is fresh and new, almost unknown, thus an excellent target for the media hounds to start working on.

This is just my guess and nothing stated is factual... :D
You must mean *senseless war* such as that being waged at the moment? I agree with mdr's view on this as well. I'm for war with a purpose if my freedom is in question.

Yes I do mean *senseless war*..........but by definition arn't all wars senseless ?

If there was oil in Zimbabwe we would all be there too I guess.
Someone chime in here on why Biden gets a total pass while Palin is crucified by the media. He has far more slander material. I just read an article about his interview where he claims DC students perform badly because they have too many minorities, while Iowa does much better because they only have a slight % of minority students. He just publicly stated that minorities are dumber than whites and no one cares!

Ok. I'll Chime!

Have you ever attended a school where English was the second language for 10% or more of the class? Tends to reduce average tests scores for tests given only in English.

Have you ever attended a school that isn't performing well because it wasn't funded properly because a large fraction of the buildings and land belong to the federal government and thus don't pay city taxes that support the schools? And where a large fraction of the workforce is engaged in low paying jobs and don't pay much in city taxes that again support the schools. We have very similar issues where I live now.

Joe wasn't being racist, he was being honest. I know it's hard to tell them apart sometimes, but we have to stop thinking the worst of people every time they open their mouths.

And finally Cuba, the partitioning of Iraq may yet happen, with Biden's help or without. I'm not saying it's a good idea (I don't think it is personally) but in spite of the \"wildly successful surge\" there is still no permanent plan in place on how to share oil revenue among the various factions. Until that happens I'm reluctant to say that partition won't happen. It may be the only way they solve the problem once we're gone. If they choose to do it - so be it.

I don't think partition should be forced down their throats, but neither do I think America can force Democracy down their throats at the point of a gun. I personally don't think Iraq is a mature enough country to handle democracy. It took an internal revolution in France and in the English colonies and much later Russia to rid themselves of autocratic rule and establish democracy. I'm not sure the internal conditions of Iraq or Iran are anywhere near ready for it. And Russia is increasingly sending signs that it may not have been really ready either. Even the US is sending signals that we aren't 100% committed to democracy based on the way Pres. Bush has been abusing the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We have certainly been blessed to live in interesting times.


mdr -

1) Brush up on 19th and 20th century world history and you'll learn about how the politics/history have lead us to were we are today. This wasn't because of George Bush, this has been building for 40+ years.

Saddam need to go, period. How is what is going on in the politically correct place of Darfor any different than Saddam's rule? It isn't. One group is beating up on another. "Ooooo, poor Darfor, save them, the poor Africas, but WTF the Iraqis can die." <<< Use your best Hollywood voice here.

People forget how many times (4x) Post Desert Storm that Saddam pushed his Army up to the Kuwaiti border threatening to invade again. In our bases in Kuwait there are unit signs in the gyms and other places left by American units who reacted to his threats. We would have to move 20,000 plus troops to counter him. Remember the no fly zone? Without that Saddam keeps killing. He had to go.

2) The government of Iraq is up to the Iraqis they must figure out oil sharing, now us. One of the reasons it has taken so long in Iraq is we are working on "Iraqi Time". They have their own deliberate pace of doing things and it is IMPOSSIBLE to push them, believe me. They are in the process of sorting themselves out. If the Collalition Forces leave it is hard to say what will happen; civil war? Perhaps and maybe that is what they need. I hate to say is but a good civil war is sometimes need for a country to figure out what is important to themselves.

3) Australia is an EXCELLENT military ally and critical friend of the US. The Aussies have been there at EVERY major 20th and 21th century war; WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam (yes there too), Storm, OIF and OEF. Aussie, Kiwi and Brit Soldiers, Airman, Seamen and Marines are OUTSTANDING, IMO second only to the US, only because we have more training money. Never dis them, they are always there.

4) Dividing Iraq. In a sence they are. The three main groups are pretty much already geographically divided. Many of the Iraqis want this as there is very little sence of what an "Iraqi" is amongst the populace.

As far as Joe Biden, I still think he is an odd selection. As a far as the other VeeP candidate not sure about her yet either
Yes I do mean *senseless war*..........but by definition arn't all wars senseless ?

If there was oil in Zimbabwe we would all be there too I guess.

In a way, yes, but if someone comes here to try and take my freedom away, I'm fighting and I'm not being senseless about it! :D :rockon:
In a way, yes, but if someone comes here to try and take my freedom away, I'm fighting and I'm not being senseless about it! :D :rockon:

I don't mean if someone invades your country ,you then have no real choice,thats a given.But attacking someone's country under a cloak of lies or to finish off what 'dear old Dad' started ,well different story.
I don't mean if someone invades your country ,you then have no real choice,thats a given.But attacking someone's country under a cloak of lies or to finish off what 'dear old Dad' started ,well different story.

True dat!

As we both agree, senseless is the current affairs! :thumbup:

From those of you who are not U.S. citizens, please tell us what you think of the U.S. policies and our world presense? (This helps me understand what countries I CAN go visit without fearing for my life.... ;) )
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True dat!

As we both agree, senseless is the current affairs! :thumbup:

From those of you who are not U.S. citizens, please tell us what you think of the U.S. policies and our world presense? (This helps me understand what contries I CAN go visit without fearing for my life.... ;) )

Mate, your welcome over here anytime :thumbup:
Mate, your welcome over here anytime :thumbup:

And one day, I will come. I will ride with you Aussies and with great pride!

BTW, somewhere down under was a kangaroo with a University of Maine alumni jacket on. These two guys I knew were there, hit a Roo, thought it was dead and put the UMO jacket on it. Well, it came too and after a brief struggle, left with the jacket on. Many years ago so I'm sure the poor little jumper is long since expired!

Since so many members who are Aussies are in the greater Adelaide area, I'll be sure that is my FIRST stop!

Thanks Oz!! Can't wait to buy you a beer!
The two responses were 1- His family was in a car wreck many years ago so we feel sorry for him and don't report on his various scandals. and 2- they did back in 1988 so don't need to hear it again. Come on people, that's rediculous! This is the biggest election on the planet and we will only report the faux scandals of one side of it while the real scandals on the other side are either ignored or get a two sentence blurb on page 7? This is so blatent it's funny. We have a pro war pathological liar involved in a criminal investigation of his family lobbyists committing fraud to the tune of millions while working with his largest campaign donors and not a word. Palin get's crucified for her daughter being pregnant and for the possible "abuse of power" for removing a psychopath with a gun and a badge making death threats to her family. We've always known the media is biased, Hillary supporters can certainly agree on that- she got hosed while Obama was coated in teflon for some reason, but this VP example is just over the top. Don't americans deserve to know who their candidates are? The fact that Biden had to be removed from running in 1988 for plagarism and completely fabricating his own history and resume should perhaps be mentioned by the media, personally I would find this somewhat relevant in assessing his character.
The two responses were 1- His family was in a car wreck many years ago so we feel sorry for him and don't report on his various scandals. and 2- they did back in 1988 so don't need to hear it again. Come on people, that's rediculous! This is the biggest election on the planet and we will only report the faux scandals of one side of it while the real scandals on the other side are either ignored or get a two sentence blurb on page 7? This is so blatent it's funny. We have a pro war pathological liar involved in a criminal investigation of his family lobbyists committing fraud to the tune of millions while working with his largest campaign donors and not a word. Palin get's crucified for her daughter being pregnant and for the possible \\"abuse of power\\" for removing a psychopath with a gun and a badge making death threats to her family. We've always known the media is biased, Hillary supporters can certainly agree on that- she got hosed while Obama was coated in teflon for some reason, but this VP example is just over the top. Don't americans deserve to know who their candidates are? The fact that Biden had to be removed from running in 1988 for plagarism and completely fabricating his own history and resume should perhaps be mentioned by the media, personally I would find this somewhat relevant in assessing his character.

Do you really want to re-open the history books? Ok, But you might want to look at McCain's involvement in the S&L influence peddling scandal known as the Keating Five before taking that position. John Glenn (yes, THE John Glenn) and John McCain got off with a "wrist-slap" from Congress for their involvement while three other US senators received more serious charges and sanctions from the Senate Ethics Committee.

Which of these do you think did more damage to America? Biden's self acknowledged plagiarism of a few sentences from a speech by another politician or the hundred billion dollars or so down the tubes in the S&L debacle allegedly aided by the Keating Five?

Do you really want to re-open the history books? Ok, But you might want to look at McCain's involvement in the S&L influence peddling scandal known as the Keating Five before taking that position. John Glenn (yes, THE John Glenn) and John McCain got off with a \"wrist-slap\" from Congress for their involvement while three other US senators received more serious charges and sanctions from the Senate Ethics Committee.

Which of these do you think did more damage to America? Biden's self acknowledged plagiarism of a few sentences from a speech by another politician or the hundred billion dollars or so down the tubes in the S&L debacle allegedly aided by the Keating Five?


Excellent point, I know Obama's handlers are very sharp so why aren't they using that ammo? Seems odd. I certainly would. The fact is the media is there to sell something. Obama is a big celebrity now, Palin is big news as well- suddenly there's an attractive woman in the mix! The two boring guys aren't getting much press by comparison. Sad since they are the only ones with experience in this crazy thing.
Ok. I'll Chime!

Have you ever attended a school where English was the second language for 10% or more of the class? Tends to reduce average tests scores for tests given only in English.

Have you ever attended a school that isn't performing well because it wasn't funded properly because a large fraction of the buildings and land belong to the federal government and thus don't pay city taxes that support the schools? And where a large fraction of the workforce is engaged in low paying jobs and don't pay much in city taxes that again support the schools. We have very similar issues where I live now.

Joe wasn't being racist, he was being honest. I know it's hard to tell them apart sometimes, but we have to stop thinking the worst of people every time they open their mouths.


If he meant that minorities can't speak English then that is also racist. I'm a Cuban American and I don't even speak spanish. My minority status has nothing to do with my language. Does that mean that African Americans speak swahili? I've spent a lot of time in DC, it's not Mexico. He said nothing of language barriers. He said nothing of funding. He said nothing of wages. There are plenty of low income areas without large populations of minorities that are suffering from the same poor performance in schools. He said they performed worse because they had a lot of minorities and "that's what we're dealing with". It's a racist statement. If one wants assume that what he actually meant was not racist then fine, it's a bit of stretch I think, but okay. Why bring up race at all? If it has nothing to do with what you mean (assuming he meant that we have a problem with language and funding) then why say they have a much harder time because they have too many minorities?
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