Jacked up my Leo install this morning... Please help.


Junior Member
Apr 27, 2011
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Jersey City, NJ
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I was so excited to get these things on that I accidentally used one of the small springs instead of the large one to connect the main pipe and it broke!!!

Anyone know where I can get a replacement fast? If I have to wait for a shipment from Italy I'll be bummed.
that's going to be tough. Not thinking people would have extras just lying around.

Here's what I would do.
1) contact Leo Vince and order a replacement spring.

2) while you are waiting, high tail it over to an auto parts store and get an assortment of springs. one is bound to fit. I think they are sold in those "Help" kits. I did this when I converted my firebird to a 4 speed and the oem spring wasn't doing the job.

You can use this as a temporary fix while you wait for the LV spring to arrive. because I am sure you are jonesin to complete the install and get out there and test the new sound out.

good luck
I honestly dont remeber. If you cant find it on their website give em a call. They are very helpful.
Thanks man. I'm about to head to an auto parts store to see if they have any throttle springs laying around. Maybe a couple of those will work. Since it's Sunday, most things are closed.

If I can't find anything I'll give that place a call tomorrow.

Thanks again!
I totally understand if the excitement got the better of you, Leo Vince exhausts changes everything!

I stopped by Eric's (Erci) house last night and he helped me get the sticker off my tank. Before I left I asked if he could turn his bike on real quick so I could hear the Leo's in person...

First time I ever heard them outside of video, and I damn near couldn't sleep last night because I was so pumped to install them.

Should have checked the spring sizes in the install manual before I boffed it up!
Auto Zone - Nada. Home Depot - Nada. Strauss Auto - Nada.

Then a guy suggested I go to a small hardware store in the middle of the ghetto. That was closed.

So, I bought myself a new beer instead and have accepted the fact I'm out of commission for a few days.

Learned my lesson about paying closer attention to instructions.

Thanks for the recommendations everyone!
I have a few exhaust springs laying around, I can measure for you and see what i've got. If it will work your more than welcome to them.
I have a few exhaust springs laying around, I can measure for you and see what i've got. If it will work your more than welcome to them.

Sincere thanks man. I measured the stock Leo one and it is approximately 54mm from hook to hook (before i was measuring just the actual spring), so I ordered a pair of 57mm steel springs from Dennis Kirk with 2nd day shipping.

Should be riding again by Wednesday night!
There is a Motion Industries within an hour of my house, but I think I'm all set.

The springs I ordered from Dennis Kirk are going to be the closest I can get, and they'll be here Wednesday afternoon. For good measure I think I'll have Leo send me out a spare JUST in case.

I really appreciate everyone's help. Lots of good people on this forum!
You just safety wire it until you get a spring.

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+1! No way I'd let my bike sit with new pipe for 3 days just to get new spring! Wire it and have at it!

I was worried about tightening down all of the top bolts before the spring fully engaged the can. Thought it may leak. Eh, I could just do that, put it back together, disassemble and reassemble with the new spring, but with work I barely have the time anyway.

Sucks to see it sit, but Wednesday night will be glorious!

Thank you for the suggestion.