is this normal?


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Mar 28, 2009
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Toronto, Canada
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now i often find myself riding down curbs (if i park on the sidewalk), and going up inclines/speed bumps attempting to get a little air. before you all say "get a supermoto", i just love the fizzer so much i don't wanna get another bike lol. yes, i would love a ktm or a r6 but the fizzer is just so easy to maintain and easy to ride, i don't wanna give it up.
Hmm...I don't hop curbs or rip it up over speed bumps, but there is this one hill on the way home from work. If I roll on the throttle coming up it I'll gain some air as I cross the crest. Nothing much...but you can feel it and hear the R's pick up and sing for a split second. I love it :) It's all fun and games until some furred woodland creature awaits me on the other side :p
My answer to your question is. What is normal? I guess as long as no one gets hurt and it bakes your cookies go for it. :cheer: :rockon:

i dont do it, it can ruin your tyres.

:don'tknow: I'd have to disagree. The tires are your first part of your suspension. Have you seen what the Isle of Man TT guys do to tires? ;)

Go for it... Just go about it safely and with regard to those around you. Have fun and video the one "good" one you might find! :D
I've never jumped a curb or tried to lift off a speed bump. However there is this one cattle guard on some road that has a little "jump" just before it, that when hit at the correct speed will get the whole bike off the ground.:rockon:
There is an incline, then drastic level off on the entrance to my subdivision. I haven't gotten airborne yet, but not for lack of trying! :spank: (I am still a new rider, so not ready to push it too far yet)
I jump evrything I think I can get air brother has a very nice incline on his drainage ditch in his front yard.....have'nt broken anything... :rockon: :D
Wouldn't you highside if you came down slightly offcenter? Had my worst ever mtn bike crash doing a little bunny hop and coming down not quite aligned with my direction.
Wouldn't you highside if you came down slightly offcenter? Had my worst ever mtn bike crash doing a little bunny hop and coming down not quite aligned with my direction.

You would have to going quite a bit quicker than that to highside!
