iPad 2, anyone getting one?


The Tall Guy!
Elite Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Desoto, Missouri, USA
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So I skipped out on the iPad 1, but I hear the second generation is coming out. Anyone interested getting it? I was just curious what others thought. I like the iPad and the new one is coming out soon.
It should, according to most, have two cameras. A rear, and forward facing(for FaceTime or Skype). I also heard it will have two USB ports. I currently have an iPad 1, and love it. I originally thought it was a bunch of craziness.... And oversized iPod. Come on. Now I love it. Goes everywhere, and fits great in my tank bag. Lol
Go for it. I have the iPad1 and it is great - get the 3G version it has the GPS chip (at least on the iPad1) and is great for navigating. Put it in the tank bag, when on the road it does everything I need to do. A great photo viewer as well. Great apps, my faves are:
Angry Birds
Weather Channel
Angry Birds
Awedatorum (spelling)
Angry Birds
Angry Birds
Plants n Zombies
iPads are great! I typically don't buy 1st gen hardware on anything, but it has really, really been difficult holding out for an iPad 2. I'm counting down the days until March 2 with hope of Steve opening it up for orders the same day as the announcement.
still like my separate stuff when I'm on the go:
phone, itouch and netbook...each is great at
what they do

I'm the same. I like my audio from a dedicated player, I use my phone as a phone(gasp!), and I have my laptop for the rest.

I guess I'm the only one that sees the ipads as a tablet pc comeback, minus the seperate keyboard?
I really want one, but my god they are expensive!
With a 2 month old in the house I don't have that kind of cash laying around anymore lol
My main problem with electronics lately is the short product life. The iPad 1 only came out a year ago and now the $600 (or more) device is obsolete.
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i'm interested myself. the only apple product i own is an iphone 4. mobile devices are changing the way we live,both good and bad.
I don't see the point of an iPad. To me it's just a larger version of my iPhone -- but doesn't really do anything it can't, and still can't do things my laptop can.

Despite that - the iPad 2 looks so sexy I'm considering getting one.
Well, I'll say this... I have the iPad, and it was beyond indispensable when rebuilding my bike. I have a screen protector and gel cover on it so I did not worry the least nit about getting a little grease on it. Having the service manual at my finger tips with custom zoom, bookmarks, Google, tap talk for the forum, and some good music made it worth every penny.
it looks cool and i can think of a million things i could use it for.. but as soon as i was to get a new desktop, i would end up not using it as much.. i like the idea of one, but im with that whole product lifecycle of a year thing.. just doesnt seem worth it...
I'm more excited about the announcement of the hdmi adapter that will work with iPhone 4. It has always been a major pain in the @ss to get video taken by the phone onto a HDTV in HD, but no longer. :) $39, but it does fix my biggest complaint about my iPhone 4.
In some cases Ipad 2 will be pretty expensive but Ipad ones are dropping like flies on craigslist. The first generation works pretty good, haven't heard of many problems. They only improved the hardware in some areas. The ipad 1 is still a good way to go especially with the new one coming out. I saw a couple go on craigslist this week for like 300 (like new)
I sold my iPad last week in anticipation of the iPad2. I just knew the value would drop after a new release. I gotten use to using the ipad daily and not having it just seem strange. My laptop doesn't weight that much but somehow now seems cumbersome.