Intersection Oddity


Jul 3, 2010
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Pescadero, CA
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Over the last month, I've noticed something odd at a few intersections close to where I live in San Jose. People sitting in left turn lane, will either flash their high beams seemingly at random, and others will turn them on and leave them. WTF? I know they're not flashing me, because I'll see them doing it well before I get to the intersection. I saw a lady two weeks ago, and she was just flashing her high beams completely at random. She was looking around, and talking to a passenger, all whilst randomly flashing. Then this morning, I was waiting to turn left, and another lady just clicked on her highs after about a minute, and just left them on. I flashed her a few times(was in my car), and she didn't even notice. She just sat there looking ahead with blank look on her face. What is going on here? Am I missing something? Is there a new urban myth floating around that concerns signals and headlights? I swear, the bay area is getting stranger by the month......:shakehead:
I've noticed a lot of people running their high beams reguardless of other cars on the road lately. It drives me nuts. Nothing quite like being in tight traffic with a pick up truck behind me with his high beams illuminating my entire car inside. Or better yet the same yahoo coming at me on the road, blinding me. Times like that I want a badge and a ticket book.
I've seen this in my area too. Apparently some people believe that if if they flash their headlights it will cause the light to turn green for them. Some traffic lights are equipped with infrared sensors that pick up when an emergency vehicle is approaching and will change the light to green so that they don't have to slow/stop for the intersection. This requires an infrared transmitter in the vehicle as well. Most people just think that its the flashing lights in the emergency vehicle that trips the traffic light into changing.
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I've seen this in my area too. Apparently some people believe that if if they flash their headlights it will cause the light to turn green for them. Some lights are equipped with infrared sensors that pick up when an emergency vehicle is approaching and will change the light so that they don't have to slow/stop for the intersection. This requires an infrared transmitter in the emergency vehicle as well. Most people just think that its the flashing lights that will trip the light into changing.

LMAO! I've heard this before too, but thought the practise of flashing lights had been given up on! Hahahaha
I've seen this in my area too. Apparently some people believe that if if they flash their headlights it will cause the light to turn green for them. Some traffic lights are equipped with infrared sensors that pick up when an emergency vehicle is approaching and will change the light to green so that they don't have to slow/stop for the intersection. This requires an infrared transmitter in the vehicle as well. Most people just think that its the flashing lights in the emergency vehicle that trips the traffic light into changing.

This must be it! Sounds like the kind of foolishness that people around here would buy into. What makes it even more comical, is that NONE of the emergency vehicles here have any such device. LOL

@ sxt8goats : I've been seeing that as well. I see it in the mornings on the way to work, and it's not even dark out by that time. lol I see it during the day too, which is especially baffling. It doesn't annoy me, but it does make me scratch my head and wonder!
Have you had any negative reactions to the modulator? I've been thinking again about getting one, but I'm not sure how people here would react.

I can't think of anything negative about my modulator.

Prior to getting my modulator, I would be using my horn on a daily basis. Kept getting cut off. Now, I can go over a week without using my 140 decibel Stebel Horn and I think it's because of my modulator.

Having the modulator function only when you use your highbeam makes you even more visible. A lot of people will roll down their windows when I am stopped for a red light and they usually have something to say. Not anything negative, but they all seem to make it a point that my headlights are blinkng. For those who are on the other side of the intersection facing directly across from me, they will start flashing their higbeams on and off, trying to indicate that my lights are flashing. LOL...

When I'm actually rolling and riding behind vehicles, there are certain drivers who are complety confused, I can see the driver telling their passengers and they even start looking back. LOL...many often just pull over. It's great when your in the fast lane, many will just yield to the next lane.

And of course, If I don't want my headlights to modulate, I just use my low beams. FYI....there is a sensor to prevent them from modulating when it gets dark.

It certainly makes you unique. During my 5600 mile motorcycle trip last month, I think I only saw two or three out of hundreds equipped with a modulator. I know they work, I saw them coming miles away.

Probably the best mod I've done, certainly from a safety point.
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Yeah, that's what I figured. I rarely see moto's with modulators, and I did notice them from far away. That's saying a lot coming from me, as I've always scanned VERY far head, whether riding or driving. What I really need around here, is something like a brake light modulator, or some additional lighting back there. People love tail humping me when I'm on the FZ. Strange, seeing as they never got close when I was on the TW200! But I did have an upright Kolpin mount, which I threw some reflective stickers on. And when I had the red fuel pack on there, they really kept their distance. lol
. What I really need around here, is something like a brake light modulator, or some additional lighting back there. People love tail humping me when I'm on the FZ.

I got one of those two, 16 pod LED's, 32 total that flashes for 5 seconds then goes to a solid red if I stay on the brakes.

They're called Hyper Lites, just hit the seach tab and a bunch of theads will pop up or just google it and go to their website.