In case you run a light


Proud Dad
Aug 31, 2008
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Santa Rosa, Northern california
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so i was talking to a co worker he was telling me a story about his friend running a yelllow light.He was pulled over and recieved a ticket for running a light. But he decided to look into the laws, he found out that the law states that for every 10 miles that the speed limit is, it equals to 1 second, so if the speed limit is 55 you have 5 and a half seconds from when the light turns yellow. Anyways so this guy went back to the original light where he was pulled over and he timmed it. Well it was a second faster then it needed to be. He challenged the ticket went to court got his citation cleared and so did alot more people in fact some people who herd about it when back to the courthouse and got there money back from a citation they recieved in the same place i was shocked but great info to keep in mind...
If a cop pulls you over for going through a yellow, then yes you should fight it, obviously.

If you mean to say he ran a red light, then that can be bad.

However I've come across many lights that only stay yellow for a half second, making it impossible to not run a red. There are also times when you are too close to the intersection and can't stop without locking the brakes when it turns yellow. In this case the SAFEST thing to do is go through, as long as it's still yellow for you.

I was always under the assumption that if you're past the limit line/crosswalk when the light turns red, it's not a failure to stop. The actual laws are tricky and most cops don't even know them.
Is that 1 second per 10mph rule a state/local, or a federal regulation? If its a federal reg, can you reference it in the code of federal regulations?
Being the right or wrong, I've learned to always plead innocent and fight the ticket. So far 3/3 of my tickets got dismissed. :thumbup:
I think in most states the amber light actually means STOP and the red light means that the opposite traffic has a green light. And then I have friends who say that the the amber light means push really hard on the gas....
I think in most states the amber light actually means STOP and the red light means that the opposite traffic has a green light. And then I have friends who say that the the amber light means push really hard on the gas....
Over here
Green means GO
Red means STOP
Amber means GO REALLY FAST

I,m joking of course :D
Yeah, i got a red light ticket a few weeks ago, the ticket was $75 and i would have lost $100 to take off work.. :spank: even being 100% innocent, (wasnt my truck, camera captured a green light, aliens stole my car and purposely ran red lights all day) i still had to pay the $75... uber-dumb
Beware, the red light cameras are set at 0.5 of a second after turning red....I know, I got done at 0.63 of a second....Wallet raping A**holes...

While you are going through just after it has turned red the guy at the other light is going through on yellow...guess what the outcome could be?

If it is red, it is red and you are breaking the law. If you get caught can`t you just take it without moaning?

Being the right or wrong, I've learned to always plead innocent and fight the ticket. So far 3/3 of my tickets got dismissed. :thumbup:

Agree - and especially if it's going to be the first one. It seems like the first thing they look at when you're contesting a ticket is whether you already have some on the record or not and then that's their first impression of you regardless of what happened in the specific case you're there about.
If I ever get done running a red, then I'm banking on the old," I was busy watching my speedo so I wouldn't get a ticket so I didn't see the light change.":spank::spank:(Dumbest thing ever in my opinion. Speed cameras at intersections where people need to be paying attention to the road and other people). Red light cameras I don't really have too much trouble with if they are used as they are supposed to Don't even bother sending me a fine if there is a car behind me in the second photo. The reason I haven't stopped is obvious.

Over here a red light means from 3-5 seconds for someone else to get a green.

Green= Proceed if safe to do so.
Amber= Stop if safe to do so.
Red= Do not enter the intersection.
My own interpretation:D.

The only people who should really be on the intersection are those turning right that have already entered the intersection and they should be driving off it.

I do plan my red light stoppages on what is behind me,as well as I don't really want to be in the right sooo much that I stop hard in front of someone who really wants to go through the intersection, irrespective of whether I'm stopping in front of them:spank:. These idiots will show up in the second photo the camera takes so that isn't such a bad option in that regard.

I don't really mind stopping too much anyway as I really do like to launch off at the lights and get some clear dufus free road space:thumbup:.

In the US red light laws depend on state. There are certain states where as long as you have passed the first corner of the intersection (ie stop line) before the light turns red you cannot be ticketed. Other states require that you are completely through the intersection.

I know in Northern Virginia they have done away with most red light cameras as they were causing more accidents as people would slam on their brakes to avoid going through the light and then get rear ended.
In the US red light laws depend on state. There are certain states where as long as you have passed the first corner of the intersection (ie stop line) before the light turns red you cannot be ticketed. Other states require that you are completely through the intersection.

I know in Northern Virginia they have done away with most red light cameras as they were causing more accidents as people would slam on their brakes to avoid going through the light and then get rear ended.

I think most of that sort of thing is (over here anyway) is a timing issue, combined with the law.

Our lights will change from green to amber, giving you 3-5 seconds (depending on the size of the intersection and the speed zone) to stop before it turns red.
Since they keep telling us that a typical reaction time is towards 1.5 seconds this gives us only 1.5 to 3.5 seconds to stop. In the wet this is pretty near maximum braking for some intersections on a bike (on a bus route). Sometimes dopey people who don't know the rules are waiting to turn right and panic at the sight of the light turning amber and will try to drive across in front of you. Not the fault of the law. These people need to be properly educated or if they are unable to learn must be shown how and where to buy a bus pass or train ticket. Harsh? I don't think so.
They need to make it so you have time to check your mirrors and stop safely without jamming on the picks.

If this is not possible then the law/road design has failed and needs to be changed.

If this is possible and people still break the law then they need to be discouraged.

I think the cameras for red lights if used correctly are a good way of doing this in a working situation.

I think speed cameras that make you look down at your speedo when approaching an area where people change lanes and direction and the road situation (in the form of traffic lights) changes constantly is a criminally stupid thing to do and the money grabbing mongrel that came up with the idea ought to be taken to the pub and put in stocks on a national tour for some good old fashions pelting with vegies.

That 1.5-3.5 seconds that you have to stop was just reduced by the .5 seconds that you took to make sure you weren't going to boost your contribution to the Gov't kitty by paying a speeding fine.

Your rules in the states and elsewhere seem somewhat different to ours and it would be unfair of me to comment. If you think the way it is set up sucks then you should try writing some letters to the responsible people with ideas, suggestions or complaints.
