I'm the **Expletive**

They text and drive in Texas? Here, too. Makes me crazy. But I'd think twice about rapping on someone's window at night. The ladies, guys too, carry GUNS and a biker might be seen as a threat. You may be taking your life into your hands to make a point to someone that doesn't have the sense to not do anything but drive when they are behind the wheel of a car. Be safe, GRUMPY
Being over here in Germany, I'm really starting to appreciate the way they handle road training and traffic laws.

A. You've got to go through many levels to get a license...FOR A CAR. If it's a bike you've got to spend years going through the different engine sizes to make your way up to something of size.

B. 300 Euro fine (on the spot) for being on your phone (unless you've got a headset on) / texting. That would certainly get some peoples' attention.

I would not at all mind having Germany's traffic laws in the States (especially the speed limits:rockon::cheer::drool:
Glad you were able the aviod an accident man!

My biggest prob is people changing into my lane w/o even looking, and yeah, they're usually on their phone. I've pulled up next to more than one person and tried to be polite in asking them to start looking BEFORE they change lanes...
I have this problem too, people merging in my lane without even looking. People here in New Mexico hardly ever use their turn signals (bugs the crap out of me) and the other day I almost got run over on I-25 when I was going about 80 in the fast lane and a Lexus decides to swerve into my lane to get around the slow truck in front of him. I laid on the horn but at highway speeds I could barely even hear it, much less him. If his wife hadn't seen me and yelled at him mid-swerve it could have come out a lot worse.

Think I may be putting in a Stebel over winter too :rolleyes:
yeah gotta love them cagers...i'm thinking about investing in some steal toe'd boots so that i can more actively get my point across when i kick their door panel lol
I find taking the side mirror off with a size 10 Alpinestars gets their attention.

"If you aint using em, you wont be needing em" -Fred Gassit