I'm bored!!!



:banghead: I don't see any new posts so I'll type something until I run out of something to talk about!!! today was a crappy day I had a ride that was planned out for over a month and I got stuck having to work today so I missed my own ride!! tell me how bad that sucks. I didn't even ride my bike today! I had to take my wife to the airport yesterday and when I went back to work I got suck working on the plant till 11:30 last night and we didn't even get it fixed so we had to come back today( oh joy ) so aside from only getting 4 hours sleep I got stuck out there for twelve hours today also:rant: to top that off my truck got dusted out something fierce so I thought "I know I'll wash it" so my truck is looking all shiny and new again and a bird takes a big ol dump down the side of the drivers window and door then on the way home I must have drove threw a swarm of butterflies or something so washing the truck was an exercise in futility, now here is where you're thinking, things couldn't get worst, but if you thought that you'd be wrong. I walk in the front door of my house and it stinks like dookie, so I go to investigate the stench and discover my cat has crapped all over the floor in front of the litter box, OK OK no big deal, But wait, I no sooner clean up that mess, when he decides to strike again. now I don't know how much that little cat can eat, but I know how much he can dump!!! get this the little jerk walks right by the litter box and starts to crap on the bath rug,needless to say I go to grab him to throw him in the box,only to scare him and he takes off running forgetting to stop crapping so now I got crap everywhere!!!! after locking the feline in the bathroom I clean up the house, and then have to wash the cat because in all the excitement he somehow got it all over his back!!!! after all that the only good thing I can say was at least I hadn't eaten dinner yet because it would have been gone. see all the chaos that can happen if you miss just one day riding. well at least telling you all has released some of the days frustrations... tomorrow I'm going riding even if the gates of hell them self open up and it starts raining fire after today theres no way it can get any worse( knocking on wood )...:thumbup:

Poor you. But hey, can it get any worse? No, wait, don't answer that.
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