I'm bikeless


Jan 5, 2008
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Brand new....less than 130miles...was in a crash
I was on my way to motomarket and a women came out of a Trader joes plaza and did not see me! If I had swerved I would have been hitting traffic head on. So, I slammed on the brakes front and rear - locked both (I think) and hit her car straight on. I was going the speed limit around 30-35mph and I must of hit her at 20mph or so. I walked away with pretty much no damage to me. I think the bike is totaled. :(
I am very bummed....At least no one was hurt...I use the bike daily for my commute.

Damn dude...sorry to here this. Kinda of rainy today or I probably would have been in the Cambridge Mem drive area riding myself. If it's the same area that I think...it gets real busy around there on a saturday. Just glad to hear that you are ok.

Stay up!!!
I didn't go riding until well after the rain stopped. I took the backroads to acton which were gorgeous today. It does occassionally get busy which is why I went at or even slightly below the speed limit. This older person just didn't see me. She was apologetic and everything and accidents just happen. I'm still very bummed about my bike and not being able to ride for a little while until I get a replacement.
i sure hope that her insurance would give me a check for the bike...seeing the bike, I would rather not want to try to fix it... I spoke with her insurance and mine, so both claims are in. Someone from her insurance should contact me Monday, latest Tuesday
Does anybody know if the insurance company would give mea replacement cost, i.e. close to MSRP or would they give me a used '08 value? It would suck if I don't get close to MSRP since I'll have to find another bike AND pay taxes, and all other fees...The bike was 2 weeks old with less than 150miles....
Sorry to hear about the crash, but even happier that you walked away from it. I'm not sure how the insurance works, but I hope you don't get short-changed too much. Still have the Ninja 500 to ride?

Hope all works out for you anyway, I'd like to ride with you soon as you're likely the closest member to where I live.

Hey Chuck. Thanks for the thoughts. I don't have the Ninja - I traded it in, so I am bikeless. This is too bad since I ride from Newton to Boston every day on my bike. Alas, I do own a cage and could probably take the T...I just hope that it gets appraised quickly and that I'll get a check so that I can get a replacement quickly.
sorry to hear about your bad day.... You can fight her insurance for replacement cost if they try to short change you, the purpose of insurance is to make you whole again, and as that was a brand new bike they have to provide you with what you lost.
sorry to hear about your bad day.... You can fight her insurance for replacement cost if they try to short change you, the purpose of insurance is to make you whole again, and as that was a brand new bike they have to provide you with what you lost.

Also get them to get you a new helmet too. Even if you didn't hit it, they don't know that, and helmets are too important to scrimp on. The fact that you just bought the bike should not go unanswered, either.

Glad to hear you are ok, though. Gonna get another FZ?
Thanks for the support. I don't think I hit my helmet at all - I guess i can ask for replacement, but I don't think there is any visible damage.

As for getting another FZ, probably. In the last two weeks and 150miles these are the things that I liked and didn't like (long test ride)

Good breaks
upright sitting
smooth motor
smooth transmission (2-6)
center stand
more flickable than I expected

don't like:
the seat is a little too tall for me (5'8", 30" inseam), so I tiptoe
windscreen (PUIG is on the way already)
gear change 1-2 - very clunky. Gets slightly better with warm bike, but still difficult to change gears smoothly. My Ninja 500 was much better.
torque - in town at less than 6k it actually feels no better than or very slightly better then the Ninja 500. It is definitely enough and once broken in I would have taken it to higher rpm. But, I do see what people mean about "short shifting". Most of my riding is to work and back.

I did a lot of research prior to buying the FZ6. the other bikes I would have considered were the SV650SF and GSX650F. I almost did buy the GSX650F.

Since you (Keira) and Rob have the FZ6 and SV650S I wonder what your thoughts are on how they compare? I have never ridden either of those (GSXF and SV).
Don't know...probably will get another FZ6...
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the SV is lighter, shorter, and even more flickable, but not nearly as upright or comfy. As for the 1-2 shift, the transmission breaks in with the engine and will get smoother. I love the FZ and for the amount of riding that i will do, i could not do it on the SV it would not be a good fit. Besides... I am a Yamaha Guy through and through...
sorry to hear about the accident, glad you're fine. I hope you get your money real soon so you can enjoy the riding season (and your commute).
yes, this person did have some feelings of remorse. she is a social worker and was very apologetic. The soreness has set in this morning...probably nothing some antiinflamatory drugs can't help with.

I hear that one of the only good things about the state of Massachusetts insurance regulations is that they put down rules as to how quickly appraisal and eval need to happen. We'll see how it goes - I hope that everything gets done by Tueday and maybe I'll have a check in a week.
when they take your bike you can try to scavenge some (if any) good parts off the old one so that you could have spares. Maybe just the seat so that you can shave it down to sit lower and you can still have anothert stock just in case it gets messed up.
That's an excellent idea...I wonder if they'll let me do that...I asked to be there when the appraiser comes from the insurance company.
the SV is lighter, shorter, and even more flickable, but not nearly as upright or comfy. As for the 1-2 shift, the transmission breaks in with the engine and will get smoother. I love the FZ and for the amount of riding that i will do, i could not do it on the SV it would not be a good fit. Besides... I am a Yamaha Guy through and through...

Flickable?? Do mean flexible...please clarify?

I also found that 1st through 2nd is very clunky, but as Dani mentioned, once it warms she's motors.