If this isn't Photoshopped..


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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This is pretty awesome!

Man, if that's NOT shopped (and if it is, that's a really good job!), that's pretty darn cool. Of course, I'm hoping that it's got a blown engine or something catastrophic that would cause the repair costs to be higher than it's worth to do...otherwise, that guy's got one NICE (and expensive) bike hanging on his wall!

On a side note, I don't think I'd ever sit on that couch if I were a friend of his...lol. :eek:
I would move the couch to another wall, get three LED spot lights from home depot and attach them on the floor right below the bike pointing up. This could be an amazing art piece in your living room. Thanks for posting.
That is pretty awesome. I don't think I'd trust any of my walls to hold that above me.
It appears to be casting a shadow on the walls/ceiling in the pic... I'm not sure it's a photoshop. I do think it's pretty cool, but I'd rather be riding it and have people admire it, than having my buds admiring it in my living room!!

He asked a couple of friends to put up some new shelves while he was away they said to themshelfs those brackets are so strong i'll bet they'll hold up a motorcycle:thumbup:
Need I say more.:eek:
if i ever vet an RSV4 and manage to keep the rubber side down.. when i quit riding.. the RSV4 is gettin drained and displayed in the man cave
just asked the wife if we could get one as a head-bord:confused: she didn't think it was funny:spank:she already thinks i am obssesed with my fz6:thumbup:
I'm sorry as a Ducati owner myself I can say that image if really makes me cry. A Ducati is meant to be riden not posted up in a living room as art

it probably helps the resale value tremendously though.. some people spend their money, some keep it in tha bank
it probably helps the resale value tremendously though.. some people spend their money, some keep it in tha bank

it would really depend on who was looking at it. for me I know a bike that has been not run for a long period of time will have lots of problems. dry seals,rusty engine internals,rotten ruber parts, etc etc. for a collector that is only going to make it a show piece it's not a problem. I'm not even going to bring up the known problems that bike already has that devalue the bike if they have not been corrected.