Ice Storm

I am sure we will have some huge snow drifts tomorrow morning. I am talking 3 to 6 foot drifts. I will take some pics in the morning, but only if you don't tell me about how sunny it is there.

Can you please leave your bike outside so that it can be used as some sort of a scale so we can see how much snow you have gotten. Sometimes, pictures are deceiving. This will help everyone visualize and place things in perspective on how much snow you're talking about.
Here is my truck as ice.





This is not snow, but ice.


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Oh wah, geez it's just a bit of frozen rain or perhaps you have to shovel snow again.

Listen you pups, this is the way it was every winter when I was a young wipper snapper and we LIKED it!
Having to walk barefoot both ways up hill to school in the winter was just a part of life and we LIKED it!
No power, hell we didn't care. Just milk the cows by hand and we LIKED it!

Ok OK enough of that crap. You folks are paying some big time dues this winter and from growing up in Minnesota I do understand the level of cabin fever you must be reaching. Stay safe, keep the pics coming.
A toast that soon you will have bugs on your visor.:iconbeer:
Here in Mid Michigan we have been getting pounded for about 7 hours and have accumulated about 7 inches, doing pretty good considering theres about 50 mph winds! lol
6" of snow yesterday - we were supposed to get another 12-18" today but it turned to sleet and freezing rain instead. We have at least 2' of snow on the ground yet from previous storms but the snow banks are so high that I can't see over them at intersections. Is it spring yet?
Even before this storm started we had roughly 2' of snow on the ground. The pile of snow that I have made from snowblowing is about 7' tall and 30 feet in diameter. It's starting to encroach on the mailboxes so much so that I've had to literally dig them out a hole in the snowbank :eek:
well... this storm turned to freezing rain and rain mostly.. I dont think we got more than 1-2inches of snow before it turned.. I seriously thought I would wake up this morning to a huge pile of snow, but now.. just ice..
Ice forming here, too, in the refridgerator freezer/ice maker section. Well, I hope it's half-decent spring weather when I visit Atlantic City, NJ late April.
Here's what I woke up to, power was out all night and everything is frozen. The road looks clear, it's not. I haven't actually gone out side yet, I'll post up more after I go investigate.
This is just a regular winter that I live through. Yesterday it was -38C with a -49C windchill. We had close to 120cm of snow this January. Tomorrow it is predicted that we get a high +4C and likely rain. We will then go back into the freezer and see several more weeks of snow rain and cold. But I know how it slows things down here when we get a weather front move through and we are prepared for it having to live through it every year. Severe weather can bring out a lot good in people and it can be fun meeting different people as you are digging their car out of the snow.

My bike usually sleeps from Nov.1st to April 15th ish.
I see some flurries falling outside my window now, but no accumulation.

There is a lot of cold and a lot of wind too.
My yard last night.


This is flat ground, just grass and asphalt. After this it snowed another 8 inches or so. Today it started again as snow, then went to sleet pellets, and turned to rain just before I got in to work. I walk and take the bus / subway in the winter, so my pants got pretty soaked.
This is just a regular winter that I live through. Yesterday it was -38C with a -49C windchill. We had close to 120cm of snow this January. Tomorrow it is predicted that we get a high +4C and likely rain. We will then go back into the freezer and see several more weeks of snow rain and cold. But I know how it slows things down here when we get a weather front move through and we are prepared for it having to live through it every year. Severe weather can bring out a lot good in people and it can be fun meeting different people as you are digging their car out of the snow.

My bike usually sleeps from Nov.1st to April 15th ish.

Yes, but that is normal in Canada. I live about 1,000 miles south of you where winters are usually in the 20's Fahrenheit but frequently warm to 40's and beyond for a time. We usually net 12" of snow or less per season. This winter has been the worst in ages! I don't know why anyone would choose to live somewhere with a 6 month riding season. Heck, San Diego is calling my name with no off season.
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Just a pic from my car this morning. This is the street I live on. Right now there's only one lane down the middle........and yes, that's ice on my windshield since I didn't let the car warm up long enough....I'm sooooo sick of snow and ice but grateful that we dodged this last storm - we only got about 8" of the predicted 15-30" of snow because it turned over to freezing rain and sleet.

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