I drove a NASCAR car tday


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Jun 13, 2009
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I drove a NASCAR car today at Irwindale Speedway track.
I had a blast! The care is a bomb on wheels; in turns I felt my guts inside me pushed to the right - it was awesome!
Is way more fun to drive those cars then then watch them in a race.

(I had to wear a fire suite over my clothes and today was pretty warm - 80F. But I have been told this is nothing compared with August :) )
Attached are some pictures.

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Re: I drove a NASCAR car today

here are more pics of the car I drove.
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That is so cool, a buddy of mine did that last year. He said after he had a new found respect for the drivers. Did you get to meet any drivers?

no, this was a school dat at the track with instructors & us, no "real" drivers.
Your friend is right, it looks easy, but when you are strapped inside there is much harder than I thought.
But is a lot of fun!
ohh god that would have been awesome :)

we cant even drive a V8 supercar here in perth

the closest thign we get is a rd going holden POS done up as a v8 supercar
Years ago I did the Richard Petty driving experience in Charlotte and Atlanta.. I haven't had a rush like that ever since! I think my top lap speed was 155.6 in Atlanta. I remember getting out of the car with my knees shaking, it was awesome
Years ago I did the Richard Petty driving experience in Charlotte and Atlanta.. I haven't had a rush like that ever since! I think my top lap speed was 155.6 in Atlanta. I remember getting out of the car with my knees shaking, it was awesome

Oh yes, I think I haven't breath for 20 laps!
When I drove home after that, my legs hurt as I was skiing all day. The body consumption is unbelievable!
But it rocks!