How warm?


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Jan 21, 2008
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Midland MI
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As winter gets longer I am more willing to ride in colder temperatures. How about you guys what is the coldest temp you will ride in? I am about to the point if their is no snow on the road I want to go for a ride. I don't like to ride in temps below 55 I get tired of people's comments at gas stations
I have rode in temps as low as 15F, but try not to go out below 45F, as outer appendages become difficult to keep warm. I usually end up riding in snow too. It will be late March and 55F out, so I just HAVE to go for the first ride. Then 20 minutes in, the snow will start, then the wind and cursing as to why I could not wait for two weeks untill April is here. Happens almost every year, you would think I would learn, but after a long winter (like the current one) it is hard to think rationally about riding.
i will ride whenever it is supposed to get up to 45 in a day, that usually translated into leaving the house when it is in the 20's up here in NH during the early spring and late fall months. Supposed to be 45 today but still too much snow, ice and puddles to risk it.
Nice thing about living in Florida is the year-round riding. Of course we Floridians sacrifice the thrills of riding through the twisty hills and mountains. Most everything around here is straight and flat. But those sunny, warm days in January and February sure do feel good! ;) Never gets so cold around here that I have to make that decision, but I do leave the bike in the garage when it's raining.
it will be my first year ridding, but got my bike recently and cant wait to ride either. I'm almost willing to go in the road at mid march! I'm in MA, USA
Up in Northern Minnesota, I ride as much as possible! I have ridden in the fall when its low to mid 30's! Its a little chilly, but if you bundle up its not so bad!
As long as it's dry, I'll ride into the 20s. If its raining, I just check to see if its gonna ice up. And I try not to ride when the wind is over 20 mph..... I don't like it
Anything below 30F, and I worry about ice on the road - and it's about as low as my riding gear will comfortably allow me to ride. Stiff muscles = bad control / reaction time. I don't push it.

Its been down to -4C this last week, thats about 24F, I ride in it and don't mind at all. They grit the roads so ice isn't an issue. The bike does need washing every couple of days though just to keep the corrosion down.