How not to dismount an FZ6n


Junior Member
Mar 20, 2012
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Probably posted before, but anyway.
I work for QLD TRansport and found this gem on our motorcycle safety website on Thursday.

[ame=]Motorcycle Safety - Protective gear in action - YouTube[/ame]
See, that's the biggest problem with the naked model.

The half-faired model would have naturally straightened up due to the incoming air and it's streamlined shape!

(It was almost recoverable, or at the least a low speed low-side until picked up!)

I strongly suspect it was a staged high side for the camera showing newbies why you need protective gear..

It looks like he locked up the rear tire (for no reason) to get it to fish tail out and lose control... Great show at the expense of an FZ.. :(
Since they had a high speed camera on the bike, 100% staged.

Kind of creepy to me having crashed a silver naked fz6 before. :(
I strongly suspect it was a staged high side for the camera showing newbies why you need protective gear.. (

No, no, no mate - two different people just happened to be walking down the street with two different high-speed cameras, and just happened to be filming the same thing, at the same time from two different vantage points. (whilst stationary, and the cameras apparently on tripods)

Must be a black-spot for accidents - or something!)

Set up? Pfft! Conspiracy theorist!



P.S. What's pleasing to see, is that the rider is apparently wearing textiles, cordura or the like, instead of leather. I haven't seen how well cordura holds up in a slide, but I can vouch for R-Jays leather from 120kph on the highway! (slid then rolled over 160m total with NOT A SCRATCH!)
But as I now have cordura, I HOPE the scratch resistant claims are true!
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check out the flex in the swing-arm

He did looks pretty padded as well aside from the moto gear
this is why i dont rely on my gear but on my riding skills:thumbup:

gear does work but for the ones that crashed allready know , you will still get injured and be in pain .
so dont do what the guy in the vid did :p
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Not sure what was more painful to watch, the FZ6 hitting the ground or the rider...

personally i say the bike ... though it seemed to hit in such a way not to do too much damage ...but shows how easy it can happen ... SLOW DOWN :spank:
this is why i dont rely on my gear but on my riding skills:thumbup:

gear does work but for the ones that crashed allready know , you will still get injured and be in pain .
so dont do what the guy in the vid did :p

So you do not wear gear because you are such a amazingly skilled rider and everyone else on the road knows not to pull out in front of you and all the gravel in the world knows not to be on the road when you ride by and all the animals in the world know not to run out in front of you? cool, I can see how you have no need for gear then.