How much to convert?

Why don't you just find someone with the faired and trade - I am going naked and will have all my stuff for sale or trade.
Does anyone know how long this kit will be available for? I really want buy it and I'm just waiting to save up the funds :)
Does anyone know how long this kit will be available for? I really want buy it and I'm just waiting to save up the funds :)

I am working with Yamaha dealer to get a steady continuous supply. I should be able to get it anytime you want. So take your time and let me know when you are ready. Looking forward to working with you..
Is the VS-2 package still being sold by DEV_USC? The NUBZ link does not seem to work anymore.

I talked to Alex who owns NUBZ and he said he is shutting down the site for winter. If anyone is interested they can contact me directly..
I sent Dev a message regarding this. I want to order one of these, can we talk about getting me one ordered? What's the time you need after purchase to get it made?