How much HP does the FZ6 have?


Junior Member
Apr 18, 2008
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Arlington, MA
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I asked in the dealership and looked at the bill of sale and it says it has 124 HP. I looked online and my friend looked online and saw it had around 90 HP I think... can anyone confirm what it really has?
According to Motorcycle Consumer News a US 07 teseted out at 85.6 Hp @11,250 rpm and 42Lb of torque at 10K rpm. I trust these numbers to be real world figures and not the hype mamma yamma like to put out.
I asked in the dealership and looked at the bill of sale and it says it has 124 HP. I looked online and my friend looked online and saw it had around 90 HP I think... can anyone confirm what it really has?

Your dealer probably showed you an R6 bill of sale, i believe that the R6 is up in that range, Although the FZ6 and R6 have the same base motor, the FZ's is tuned differently to accommodate Road riding as opposed to straight track riding.
same exact thing happened to me. I ask what the hp was and the salesman insisted on going to to get the title when he had a computer online right in front of him. I said lets just look online and he said no no I'll get the title. It was for an FZ6. They obviously know something we don't. regardless, the bike is friggin' awesome.- just don't like being lied to.
Yep i think that sounds right. In the US only the HP, in Europe and i dont know where else maybe, they have a limited hp one and a new S2 i think that has the full 98hp...IF I'm not mistaken :p
You are on the right track.
Up to 2007 the FZ6 were all 98HP. We have the option on any motorcycle to have them restricted to 33HP for riders who want to do a direct access to motorcycling.
These machines are restricted to 33HP.
In 2007 throughout the UK and Europe the 2007 models were sold as two different powers.
The FZ6 73HP & FZ6 S2 98HP there is about £2000.00 price difference.

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I just bought a 2008 and my title says 124. I thought i had wrong title at I checked VIN numbers. They matched the bikes. I do still believe its around 98 not 124.
Speaking of being lied to.... I was in the local dealership getting some oil the other day when I overheard a salesman trying to sell an FZ6 to some hapless unsuspecting customer. He told him it gets 50-60 mpg, it has the "exact same motor as the R6" (also not true as we know they are tuned different....also suggesting that the R6 gets 50-60 mpg) and that the insurance is dirt cheap (definitely not true in FL). Pretty insulting. The customer ate it up. I should have gone over and set things straight, but sometimes calling out somebody who just spewed an enourmous amount of BS doesn't work out too well...
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Speaking of being lied to.... I was in the local dealership getting some oil the other day when I overheard a salesman trying to sell an FZ6 to some hapless unsuspecting customer. He told him it gets 50-60 mpg, it has the "exact same motor as the R6" (also not true as we know they are tuned different....also suggesting that the R6 gets 50-60 mpg) and that the insurance is dirt cheap (definitely not true in FL). Pretty insulting. The customer ate it up. I should have gone over and set things straight, but sometimes calling out somebody who just spewed an enourmous amount of BS doesn't work out too well...

ya but it does a favor to the guy who may make a faulty decision if he's getting the bike for fuel economy or whatever else.

in the end if he's lying to sell a guy an fz6 im not that worried....another member on the forum woot!!