How ironic!

Ok, I told my significant other about this and here's what she had to say. Keep in mind that she doesn't ride, has no interest in motorcycles, and never will. But this is her take on the helmet/no helmet argument...

"The reason I want motorcyclists to wear helmets is not because I care whether they're safe or not...that's their choice. It's that I don't want to see their brains scattered all over the road or my windshield. If the anti-helmet law folks can come up with a way to not wear a helmet and keep me from seeing their brains sprayed everywhere...I'm all for it".

That's just one opinion of a non-motorcyclist.

BTW, I stand by my comments. If you want to see my opinion of things like this...just read my signature. Actually, it's pretty relevant in this discussion.
Ok, I told my significant other about this and here's what she had to say. Keep in mind that she doesn't ride, has no interest in motorcycles, and never will. But this is her take on the helmet/no helmet argument...

"The reason I want motorcyclists to wear helmets is not because I care whether they're safe or not...that's their choice. It's that I don't want to see their brains scattered all over the road or my windshield. If the anti-helmet law folks can come up with a way to not wear a helmet and keep me from seeing their brains sprayed everywhere...I'm all for it".

That's just one opinion of a non-motorcyclist.

BTW, I stand by my comments. If you want to see my opinion of things like this...just read my signature. Actually, it's pretty relevant in this discussion.

No signature to read?
Re: Even more ironic.

Come on now, if you were tired of misinformation you would hate the government and probable every media outlet. Whatever spin ABATE puts out to try to help their cause is piddly compared to nonsense that comes out of government, politicians, marketing, and media every day.
I don't remember posting about my love of our government or the media. Does the fact that they're dishonest make it acceptable for ABATE to be dishonest?

Secondly, every single person who gets on motorcycle is choosing to assume unnecessary risk for his/her own personal pleasure. If maximizing safety was the issue why not just make motorcycles illegal on public roads, you would have less deaths and less medical care.
Maximizing public safety? Did you miss the part where I said we have too many humans? Our society is too safe. We need to go back to the good old days where drunk and distracted drivers were killed by their steering columns instead of saved by their airbags.

Thirdly, people like you need guys like ABATE out there. Motorcycles are an unnecessary risk for personal pleasure and guy like you need someone to point a self-righteous finger like a child trying to cover his/her own actions. The fact that "Johnny" is out there being more dangerous and unnecessary then you makes you feel better about your own dangerous and unnecessary actions so you can point the finger at him. Never mind the fact you are choosing to behave in a risky way just be getting on a motorcycle, as long as someone else is taking further than you can you can just point the finger and ignore your own actions.

God-forbid "johnny" stop being more dangerous than you, the last thing you want is to be the most dangerous "child" in the room so you are forced to analysis your own actions.
For not knowing me, and not being a psychologist, you sure seem to know quite a bit about my thought process.

I don't need ABATE. ABATE is not advocating for me. The AMA is an advocate for motorcyclists. ABATE is a joke. What does it stand for again? Please don't pretend it has anything to do with education. Unless you mean educating people how dangerous helmets are.

Your suggestion that ABATE is protecting us is wrong. They are the bad apples. They give motorcyclists a bad name by advocating riding without gear OR insurance. If they weren't around, motorcycles would be more accepted, not more likely to be banned. I wear full gear with a bright white helmet. I have a nice quiet stock exhaust. I'm a courteous rider around other motorists. The worst thing you'll catch me doing is flying through the woods. The only person I put in danger is myself. I don't give people a reason to want to ban motorcycles. Can you say the same about ABATE members?
While I agree with most of what you say, there are a few that I don't.

You're comparing driving drunk to riding without a helmet? How so?

I'm comparing the argument of gov't impeding on my freedom to choose what's right for me. The example being: We wouldn't accept the argument that DUI laws are wrong because they would impede your right to freedom of expression by operating a vehicle while under the influence. Where do we stop?

Who else is harmed in a accident when "you" have no helmet on?

Anyone within range of an out of control bike after it's operator was hit in the head or eye by a projectile.

What do taxes have to do with it?

People claiming they don't want to follow rules and claim that the law cramps there rights and freedom but then benefit and ride on roads that are maintained by taxes paid by people that collectively agree to these safety regulations.

A couple others but I'll save those.:)

Did I mention I agree with the helmet laws! :)

Thanks :D
Re: Even more ironic.

I don't need ABATE. ABATE is not advocating for me. The AMA is an advocate for motorcyclists. ABATE is a joke. What does it stand for again? Please don't pretend it has anything to do with education. Unless you mean educating people how dangerous helmets are.

Your suggestion that ABATE is protecting us is wrong. They are the bad apples. They give motorcyclists a bad name by advocating riding without gear OR insurance. If they weren't around, motorcycles would be more accepted, not more likely to be banned. I wear full gear with a bright white helmet. I have a nice quiet stock exhaust. I'm a courteous rider around other motorists. The worst thing you'll catch me doing is flying through the woods. The only person I put in danger is myself. I don't give people a reason to want to ban motorcycles. Can you say the same about ABATE members?

For one who dislikes misinformation you sure are spreading a lot of it. The statements you are making about ABATE are flagrantly false.

ABATE doesn't tell you not to wear a helmet or motorcycle gear. They protect the right of the individual to choose.

ABATE are not bad apples they are people who enjoy having freedoms to choose how to live there own live.

ABATE doesn't support not having insurance. They against a bill requiring extra special insurance that is difficult to impossible to attain, aka a red-tape ban on riding motorcycle without a helmet.

ABATE is against extra check points for motorcycles.

ABATE has a proud history or protecting the right of riders.
No signature to read?

Check your forum settings to see if you've got viewing signatures enabled. But this is what it says:

A wise man once said:

"Sometimes the gene pool needs chlorine, and sometimes the chlorine comes in the form of asphalt."
Re: Even more ironic.

For one who dislikes misinformation you sure are spreading a lot of it. The statements you are making about ABATE are flagrantly false.

ABATE doesn't tell you not to wear a helmet or motorcycle gear. They protect the right of the individual to choose.

ABATE are not bad apples they are people who enjoy having freedoms to choose how to live there own live.

ABATE doesn't support not having insurance. They against a bill requiring extra special insurance that is difficult to impossible to attain, aka a red-tape ban on riding motorcycle without a helmet.

ABATE is against extra check points for motorcycles.

ABATE has a proud history or protecting the right of riders.

You must REALLY hate living in California. Seriously, you live in one of, if not the most liberal states in the country and you're THIS pissed off at government?

Last time I checked, we still live in America. You're still free. You have hundreds, if not thousands of rights that others (even on this board) living in other countries don't have. I'm sorry, but I get tired of hearing Americans pissing and moaning about how their rights are being taken away by the government. Try living in Iran or China for a while and then come back and talk to me.

You're free to get up every morning, go to work (or not), drive your car (or not), ride your motorcycle (or not), eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want, etc, etc, etc. You obviously have a decent standard of living since you're able to afford (I would assume) a place to live, internet access, a motorcycle (at least), and clothes on your back.

What do you have to complain about??? :rolleyes:
Re: Even more ironic.

ABATE doesn't tell you not to wear a helmet or motorcycle gear. They protect the right of the individual to choose.

Yeah, and NAMBLA doesn't tell you to molest children, but do you want your kids hanging out with a member?

ABATE are not bad apples they are people who enjoy having freedoms to choose how to live there own live.

They're not all bad apples, but your typical ABATE member is a bandanna wearing, straight-pipe popping, bar-hopping a$$hat. It doesn't matter what you or I think of them, the public PERCEIVES them to be a nuisance, if not a danger. You alluded to the public banning motorcycles, so it only matters what the uninformed masses perceive. The truth is irrelevant, but in this case, I think it's pretty close to public perceptions.

ABATE doesn't support not having insurance. They against a bill requiring extra special insurance that is difficult to impossible to attain, aka a red-tape ban on riding motorcycle without a helmet.

They DO support riding w/o a helmet in PA w/o adequate medical insurance. Your claim that any insurance is too difficult to attain b/c of "red-tape" is complete BS. There is no such thing as insurance that is difficult to get, only insurance that is EXPENSIVE to obtain. ABATE members want to play, but they don't want to PAY. That is where I take issue with their group.
Re: Even more ironic.

They're not all bad apples, but your typical ABATE member is a bandanna wearing, straight-pipe popping, bar-hopping a$$hat.

They DO support riding w/o a helmet in PA w/o adequate medical insurance. Your claim that any insurance is too difficult to attain b/c of "red-tape" is complete BS. There is no such thing as insurance that is difficult to get, only insurance that is EXPENSIVE to obtain. ABATE members want to play, but they don't want to PAY. That is where I take issue with their group.

I don't care if they wear a bandanna, don't care what they smoke in pipe, and i don't care about bar hopping.

Nonsense, ABATE PAY and WORK to play. Membership isn't free and they pool there money to PAY for lobbyist to keep oppressive laws off the books. Like the first true Americans ABATE members, put their time, money and energy to fight oppressive government.
Re: Even more ironic.

You must REALLY hate living in California. Seriously, you live in one of, if not the most liberal states in the country and you're THIS pissed off at government?

Liberal = more government controlled and less freedoms.
The red tape in this state has driven business out left and right. We are state largely in debt.

Libertarian is the word that means limited government and large individual freedoms.
Re: Even more ironic.

Liberal = more government controlled and less freedoms.
The red tape in this state has driven business out left and right. We are state largely in debt.

Libertarian is the word that means limited government and large individual freedoms.

Trust me, I know exactly what liberal means. I'm a card-carrying member of the Democratic party and yes, I voted for Obama in '08. Guess what? I'll be voting for him again in '12. Love the guy. :thumbup:

My point was, for someone that's so obviously anti-government (and anti-liberal), how in the heck do you live in California?

One more question...what flavor of TEA is your favorite?

In all seriousness, to keep the discussion going, please tell us what rights of yours are being infringed upon in your everyday life? What can you not do because the government has told you you can't?
Re: Even more ironic.

Trust me, I know exactly what liberal means. I'm a card-carrying member of the Democratic party and yes, I voted for Obama in '08. Guess what? I'll be voting for him again in '12. Love the guy. :thumbup:

My point was, for someone that's so obviously anti-government (and anti-liberal), how in the heck do you live in California?

One more question...what flavor of TEA is your favorite?

In all seriousness, to keep the discussion going, please tell us what rights of yours are being infringed upon in your everyday life? What can you not do because the government has told you you can't?

Democrats and Republicans are both terrible parties one of them will win which one matters very little. I dislike both parties strongly.

IN the end, Obama was Bush part II. Patriot act continued, more troops sent over seas , GITMO still alive and well. Paying off unions/big corps.. blah blah, same story.

Politics is a dog and pony show for the mass to make them feel like they are part of making a choice.

Both parties, ( the old good cop/bad cop routine) will eventually fail as the economy continues to dive.
I'm climbing into this a little late, but i'd like to spin this a little if i may.

Some dumb schmuck governor decides to ban bikes, because they're unsafe. A whole bunch of bikes protest, by having a mass ride, of course.

A rider falls and dies, full attgatt whatever, and everyone laughs and says "stupid bikers, that's why we must ban them"?

Which side are you standing on NOW?

This being said, i'm in favour of voluntary euthanasia, and suicide, it really is your right to live or die as you please. We the living DO however reserve the right to laugh at anything we wish, including the chlorination of the gene pool.
