How do you clean your tools?


Jan 23, 2008
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NC and FL
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Unfortunately I have a piece of crap car and it is really really dirty with oil and antifreeze and who knows what else. Also, unfortunately I have to use the same tools on my car as on my bike. So, I was just wondering if anyone had a simple way to get gunk off their tools. I am thinking just let it soak in WD40 over night??
sometimes if they are bad enough I will squirt them with brake dust cleaner and wipe... this will get off almost anything and dries instantly. Also you can use simple green, gunk engine brite, or a high concentration of dawn dish soap. If you stay on top of it and dont let the crap dry on there it is much easier in the long run.
sometimes if they are bad enough I will squirt them with brake dust cleaner and wipe... this will get off almost anything and dries instantly. Also you can use simple green, gunk engine brite, or a high concentration of dawn dish soap. If you stay on top of it and dont let the crap dry on there it is much easier in the long run.

I know I'm going to take fire for this but, I like gasoline to clean greasy/oily parts and tools. Man, it instantly takes it off with just a swipe or two with a part brush. I usually use a oil drain pan as a basin and don't use but maybe 10-20 ounces or so of gas. Of course, Safety-kleen is great...I may purchase one of those small size parts cleaner recycle jobs someday (Harbor Tools has 'em).
i have used anything handy, I have used both brakleen, as well as WD-40, seems like both do a good job, wd40 lubricated the moving parts too which is nice.
Yup, or more likely, catch fire.

Use Kerosene instead, it works just as well and has a much higher ignition temperature.

Of course, a parts washer is the best choice of all.


LOL, thanks Fred I knew I forgot the kerosene :thumbup:
Gasoline or mineral spirits. They don't dry as fast as brakleen or acetone so a soaked rag can clean a lot more parts.

Never used WD-40 but it seems like it might leave a slippery residue...