Hit and run


Junior Member
Jun 9, 2008
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So last night I got out of class, walked to my bike, and found it on its side. Somebody backed up into it and knocked it over and then pushed it 8 inches on its side (there were scrape marks on the asphalt where it scraped). I was hoping to find a note but nope...none. Some jerk hit it and took off. It really sucks cause it got crazy beat up. My whole front fairing is scratched and cracked, the left hand mirror broke off, handle bars bent and dented the tank, rear plastics broke apart, the rear passenger handle broke, and the clutch lever, rider and passenger pegs, shifter lever are all scratched. I'm not sure, but I'm worried that my forks be tweaked slightly because when I rode it home, I went over a bump and the forks didn't feel real smooth. It could just have been me over analyzing the situation but I don't know. I'll have to have the dealer check it out.

So I got a police report so that I had evidence that it was parked and was a hit and run so that the insurance cannot say I was riding and and make me at fault. I am hoping that it will not be totaled, I did a rough estimate of parts (including forks if they are tweaked) and it is about $2000 worth of damage.

It just sucks that there are jerks out there that do something like this and don't leave a note and take responsibility for their actions.
That really blows. I'm always afraid of that happening to me. I always park at the far edge of the parking lot where fat Americans don't dare park for fear of walking 30 extra feet.

Even on campus, we have a lane outside each building for motorcycles that clearly has "MOTORCYCLE" painted across it, yet people still try to park their SUVs in it because it's closer to the building than the car spaces (which just makes 7 car spaces get taken up because we have no where to park our bikes with a single Escalade taking up the whole lane).
That just blows. I'm really sorry that this happened.

Were there any surveillance cameras in the area? I'd be all over whoever runs them to get a look at that footage...

The forks are probably just twisted in the clamps. Mine got knocked over (twice) and one time it was hard enough to twist the forks. Straightening them is just a matter of loosening the four pinch bolts on the clamps, eye-balling the alignment, and then tightening the bolts to spec.

Here's to hoping that your deductible is not too high. And that they catch the bastige.
Sorry to hear about the bike!!

Not sure how your insurance company will work, however, if you can't find the person who hit the bike, then unfortunately, the claim will have to be with your insurance company. Rates will go up, and you will have to pay the deductible for the repairs. This is how my insurance company would handle it and I have Farmers Insurance.

I would see how much the reapairs will be, amount of deductible and difference in rate increase from present to after; usually, you can apply for a rate decrease three years after the claim. Best solution is for the school to have cameras and they catch the person who tipped the bike over.

Good luck!!
Sorry to hear that. That happens also in europe. I was a "lucky man" that day ( just cost me a left rear fairing and a scratched bar end)

I wish you the best and hope you will ride again as soon as possible.
Sorry to hear that. It happened to me once with my previous ninja 500. I put it on the centerstand and came back and it was on its side stand with shattered windshield and fairing. I managed to get another windshield and glue the fairing together. I did learn not to park it close to any trucks that may not see it.
That does suck!

You can check your forks by putting the bike on the center stand. Then loosen the upper and lower clamps a little, only loosen one side at a time so the bike stays up. The clamps are not too hard to reach, even with the fairing. You should then be able to spin the upper part of the fork within the clamps. If it easily spins around 360° then it should still be good.
I was at my girlfriends house and her sister did not see my bike and backed into it. It only broke the right foot pegs and a little scratch and there fixing t all... Sorry to here that though
That SUCKS. I worry about this happening and I suppose it's only a matter of time.

I hope Karma bites the person who did this. What a crappy thing to do to a student.

Better yet - I hope he/she is caught.
Very possible they didn't have a clue they hit it! Really sucks! Hate to say it but prob on a cell phone and was prob a girl.... I work on college campuses all over the US and many of the times it girls on cell phones that hit things and don't even notice including and not limited to signs, other cars, people in wheel chairs, cops..... no I am not kidding....... Plus I have almost been hit walking more than once by girls on cell phones and playing with their hair in the mirror... Its like oooo I'm driving I need to do everything and anything but pay attention to driving.... Actually saw a woman in the left lane of an interstate doing 15mph under the speed limit reading a book......:spank: I don't get what is wrong with people... Best of luck with your Bike!
Sorry to hear that dude...that sucks.

I definitely feel your pain. A few months ago, someone hit my car while it was sitting in the parking lot. No note and it ended up being about $1200 worth of damage.
Well I hope you learned something from this. Sometimes, you have to have a defensive mindset when it come to parking too, not just riding. Parking lot are for cagers. Look for motorcycle parking or park someplace else where your bike won't be vulnerable.
Sorry to hear you this encountered...it does sux...

hope the person who did this to you get what they deserve...cause karma works in unexpected ways...
Sorry to hear about that. Similar thing happened to Rob once, he was parked in our parking lot at our old condo and we came out one morning to tire tracks leading halfway across the parking lot to his bike, which was on its side. In our case, we're pretty sure he was the victim of a targeted attack, hope yours was just a mistake and it gets resolved quickly.
I am hoping that it will not be totaled, I did a rough estimate of parts (including forks if they are tweaked) and it is about $2000 worth of damage.
what year is your bike?
That sucks indeed! I know the feeling, but with the twist of riding through an intersection and getting hit then took off on... It really sucks because, like you, I never really got to see the guy who wacked it. Good luck with the parts/repairs and remember... It doesn't just need to be negative karma to him, but cud also be positive karma sent your way... Buy a lottery ticket;)
sucks man.. sorry to hear about it.. hopefully insurance just pays up and rates dont go up.. considering its not your fault.. but you know how insurance is.. good luck man.. let us know what happens