Here we go again


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Jul 14, 2007
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adelaide australia
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Well business is bad real bad, one of our mechanics has bailed, boss yesterday was talking about moving the business to a more noticeable location, which sounded like a good idea. Well today he rings me at work and tells me not to think too much about what he is about to say, then says i should probably find another job. So right at this moment life sucks again. untill 2 weeks time when i come to the states. Only then to look forward to coming homto no job lots of loans and no money.
Jules, that's bad news.

But, for now just focus on the wedding and the trip.

You are a mechanic - you will EASILY get another job when you get back.

Don't panic.
Oh man, that sucks.
Hope the gods look kindly down on you and drop a new job in your lap pretty soon. Not something you really need this close to such a great up-coming holiday.

Chin up mate, it will all work out. Fingers crossed for ya.

Aint been a real good year for ya Jules....Hate that, had a few of those myself in my time....stay positive, at least you did not turn up to work to find the doors chained!

good luck looking, like others said, just focus on your holiday for now...dont wanna stuff that up stressing!
Whenever a pile of **** hits my personal fan I like to motivate myself with vids like this one: [ame=]YouTube - Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address[/ame]

It's all for the best dude - you will see that sooner or later you will find something better and everything will fall back in place. Keep your head up, don't panic and don't concentrate your attention on worrying about loans, bills and the fact that you got laid off. Focus your energy on what's ahead! You know, people say if life gives you lemons, find someone who's life gave them vodka and have a party :) From what I gather it seems like you already found that special person so cheer up!

You will see that everything will work out! :iconbeer:
Thanx guys Debs less stressed than i thought she would be, me im just pi55ed ive told her i will worry about everything when we get back. Ive just had enough of this black cloud ovr my head, im just straight out bad luck. But hey im just looking forward to our trip and god how i want to tell this wonker how i feel. But hey im still smiling there is far worse off people than me. It just makes it all hard, unfortunately everything revolves around money, when we get back have to pay for the wedding and reception back here. But dont get me wrong dont want sympothey this thread could have just as well gone in the rant thread. Just needed to vent, thhanx for the ear.
hey jules np everyone needs to rant at times it makes you feel a lil better. dont upset yourself too much mate, enjoy the wedding and the holiday. you've had some pretty tough luck so things can only get better.. having the support of your loved one will give you boost and courage to carry on (now that is something i really miss at times.....there i go im starting to rant myself so i'll stop) cheer up mate:D
Cruddy luck mate. Enjoy your trip and don't sweat it. She'll be right when you get back mate. Might have to struggle for a bit, but something will turn up.