HELP!!! someone, anyone



What kind of tape are you supposed to use for painting?????????? yes I know...."painters tape"....BUT it does not work. :mad: The paint bleeds underneath the tape. I am beyond frustrated. If "painters tape" doesn't work, then what will?

you have to press it on firmly and it only works on a smooth surface. masking tape is a common alternative but again, you need a smooth surface.

what are you painting?
Use the Blue painters tape, press it firmly, start painting away from the tape, and when getting close to the tape, make sure the brush is fairly dry. This will help keep the paint from oozing under the tape.
you have to press it on firmly and it only works on a smooth surface. masking tape is a common alternative but again, you need a smooth surface.

what are you painting?

I did press firmly (to the point of almost breaking my fingers)

It is on a smooth surface. I'm painting Steve's speed limit sign. I guess I just have to paint it free hand. I was just looking for an easier way to paint it,(since the sign is f'kin HUGE), by using tape.

Thanks Nate.
We have a medical tape here called micropore. I have used it loads for painting window frames ect. Its great as it sticks well but is easy enough to remove without bleeding. 3M make it.

Whatever 3M makes, it's HAS to work.
Did you know they invented the post it. They were trying to develop a new adhesive. It failed for what ever reason, but someone discovered that it peeled off of paper very easily. So one failure lead to a global success.
Now I feel bad. I hate it when things dont work they way they should.
I had the same problem, but last year we had a professional paint most of the inside of the house and they DID NOT use any painter's blue tape, instead they used a long wide piece of wood and spray painted. But then again that was spray painting and not brushing or using rollers. Whatever you use good luck.
I always use 1/8th inch pin stripping tape (available at any auto parts store) then use your painters tape and overlap the pin stripe and it will not bleed underneath the stripe. in turn a nice clean line. im going to be painting flames on my tank sometime i the near future and i will do a step by step and show all you skeptics just how good you can make spray paint look if you take your time and prep,prep,prep,prep,prep and alot of patients.:rockon:
I always use 1/8th inch pin stripping tape (available at any auto parts store) then use your painters tape and overlap the pin stripe and it will not bleed underneath the stripe. in turn a nice clean line. im going to be painting flames on my tank sometime i the near future and i will do a step by step and show all you skeptics just how good you can make spray paint look if you take your time and prep,prep,prep,prep,prep and alot of patients.:rockon:

Sounds like a cool project (the flames) post pics when you do it.
ill do one better. ill post step by step pics from sand to prime to paint to tape and to clear. also what products i used and total price for eveything.
Silence Golden...

I like duct tape serves many purposes.
Re: Silence Golden...

I like duct tape serves many purposes.
For painting?? Doesn't it leave a sticky residue?

many purposes, yes, (like taping your child's mouth SHUT!)....but not sure it would be good for painting.
The way that I've always been told and have done is to make your first coat a light coat, not that much paint and feather it away from the tape. That way there is little exam to seep under the tape. That will make your seal of paint to tape, then make your second coat a thicker one to cover for color. Good Luck!