Help! Please!


Junior Member
Oct 12, 2010
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Hey I know this should go in garage but more people are generally in this thread. My bike started making a strange smell then i saw this.
I cant tell what that is from the pics but obviously something is burning that shouldnt be...what dose it smell like and where did that stuff come from...look above where it was running down and see if you can trace it

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thats right by the shifter...i think its the oil filter. It seems to be coming from there. It doesnt look like its coming from anywhere else
First off is it oil or something else? Is it actually leaking from the oil filter like it looks in the picture or is it coming from something above that? If it is from the filter I would say that it is either not tight or something kept the gasket from sealing when it was put on. If it is coming from the filter I would probably check to see if it was tight. If it's loose tighten it and see if it stops leaking. If it feels tight then I would drain the oil and then remove the filter and put a new one on. Do a search on here for a how to on an oil change if you're not sure.
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i look like its coming from above the filter....could it be the chain...i went back outside and inspected. I wiped it off the filter it looked to me like it was oil. It was like a light brown sludge.
it smelled like burning oil...but as per further inspection the filter looked fine. and it looked like it was coming from above
I would pop-off the sprocket cover and take a look at the main shaft seal. Also, check your oil level; if the level is low you will at least be able to tell that this substance is in-fact oil.
Did you shoot a ridiculous amount of lithium grease on any of the cabling above that? I put a little too much lithium grease on throttle/clutch cabling and it settle on engine right above that. I cleaned it off but I could imagine that if I put any more it would start to smell like burning oil and trickle down the side.
Hope it nothing serious, good luck man!
If that light brown sludge is oil you could have quite a problem coolent in ur oil lets hope its not tho

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Did you happen to find anything out yet or still looking in to it

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