Helmetless Riders in Colorado, What's up with that?


Moto Demi-God
Elite Member
Jan 13, 2008
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I made a blitz trip into Denver yesterday, leave Tx at 6:30 am, arrive in Denver at 8:00 am, conduct business, fly out at 7:00 pm, back at the house in Tx by 11 pm. I'm bushed.

While I was there I noticed lots of people out riding but only about 30% of riders worn helmets, maybe 40% at the most. Lytehouse, FZ6Denver, what's up with that? And it just wasn't Harley dorks, sportbike riders, commuters, etc. too. That said a very attractive young woman on GSXR was wearing one and a guy on an FZ1. NO ONE was ATGATT, no one.

As I was driving from DIA to Highlands Ranch I found a station, 103.5 I think, that had the "Lewis and Floorwax" morning show. What a couple of morons. Their guest was a lawyer from "Legal Tigers" who as answering caller's legal questions. The majority of the calls were motorcycle related regarding accidents. Dumb accidents. "I hit a curb and my fiancee was killed, I need money, what can I do?" The host had the posers Harley attitude. "Yeah man we feel your pain Bro'. When your crash your hog you want you tricked out motor and you custom chrome fix and you don't want those insurance companies screwing you." Well this went on for 30 minutes. I thought I was going to puke. I'm nattering...

Bottomline, I was very surprised at the lack to gear. In TX it is blazing this month, the hottest since like the 1880's, no joke, and I see more people in "red neck" land with helmets, jackets and gloves in 104 degree, humid heat. Colorado where the weather is close to perfect, not too many.

Phew - at least it's not just me. We went out to the Denver area to visit with the my in-laws and such in May and I was appalled. It seemed like I saw 95% of the riders helmet-less and since they're not wearing a helmet they don't wear any other gear either. The guy on a 'Busa in a business suit, with dress shoes and sunglasses was my personal fave.
I've seen that alot around here. There's a few sportbikers here that wear helmets but most want to be seen on GSXr or R6's with the wife beaters, or have a jacket and boots but no helmet? :confused:
Hey if the law doesn't require it they won't wear it. In Florida 90% of riders only wear shorts and flip flops. I don't know how they do it but that is crazy. They look at me with my helmet, gloves and jacket on and think im the one out of place. Yeah I sweat my butt off but I'm not riding without it for anyone. Still have to get some pants and riding boots.
Lytehouse, FZ6Denver, what's up with that?

:scared: damn, I wish I had an answer for ya! I see it too much down here in the Springs too. Unfortunetly we do not have a helmet law in Colorado.

But be assured that no matter what, I ride ATGATT!

too bad your trip was so short! maybe next time you're up this way huh?
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Colorado where the weather is close to perfect, .......


Don't I wish. Last week I got absolutely drenched on my 30 mile commute, and today I sweated my butt of in traffic jams. :(
I always wear all my gear, except sometimes in the evenings my wife and I will go riding without our overpants. I see about 50% + of the sportbikes wearing at least a helmet, and maybe 10 - 15% of the cruisers wearing a helmet. I don't understand it. You should see the front of my jacket and my helmet - they're covered with bugs. :confused: I figure those people know better than anyone else if there's anything worth protecting in there. ;)
Colorado's No Helmet Law explains it all. You don't have to wear it if you don't want too. But by doing so, I think that a rider should give up all legal rights if they want to take legal action because they got hurt while riding without a helmet. But that's just my opinion. In other words, don't use any tax payers money to help you medically or legally.

The no helmet law is equivalent to like having a no Life Vest and No Life raft law on boats. Would you go out on boat in the ocean that isn't equipped with any life vests or raft? You never plan on using it, but you have it just in case you need to. Helmet is no different. It's there to save your life.
When i go to Philly I see riders without helmets and can't understand their naiveness. They speed through the streets in Philly, which are extremely narrow, and do wheelies... so stupid.
Here in PA, we don't have a helmet law either. I'd say maybe 35% of riders wear a helmet - most of which are sports bikes. I can probably count on 1 hand the amount of people riding cruisers wearing helmets per week.

It's nice weather out here. It gets hot and humid sometimes, but I almost always wear my gear unless its a 2 block drive to the grocery store. We have tons of motorcycle fatalities, and surprisingly a lot of them are older folks on cruisers - not so much as young guys on sports bikes.

A lot of people won't wear them if they don't have to I suppose.
I dont like helmet laws, but I think your a idiot if you ride with out one. I dont like seatbelt laws, but I think your a idiot if you drive without one.

Its like that here too. No helmet law. Lots of no gear riders. No law making me wear gear either, but if you ride without it I think you are stupid.
We don't have that problem in new york!

My friend just got busted :spank::spank::spank: $100 today because he went to fill his gas tank 2 blocks from his house and did not take his helmet with him! $9 of gas $100 fine for not running back upstairs!

I think what everybody does as long as they are the only one at risk is there business but common seance was created for a reason ATGATT fokes.