Heat and power?



After reading a thread recently about the heat, I can't tell if I'm now more aware of something or just making it up - how noticeable of a power loss does the heat outside have on the bike? Some were saying the cooler weather really brings out the power in the bike, and the heat boggs it down - today going at slow speed when I tried to accellerate at one point I thought maybe my rear brake got stuck it was acting so sluggy.

Is there that noticeable of a difference in the dog days of summer vs a nice cool fall morning?
Cooler air is more oxygen dense. So the quick answer is yes...cooler air will bring some extra oomph to the engine.
There are other factors that come into play tho...that can work for u or against u. So I'm generally speaking of course.
Yup, cooler air means more dense thus more oxygen. The only thing a turbo or supercharger does is add more air to the combustion chamber, just forces it in there. Nitrous Oxide introduces more oxygen into the combustion chamber. When you get more oxygen you can add more fuel and get more power. So hot air has less oxygen than cold air in the same volume.

Some drag racers will pack their intake with ice before racing (just one of the many tricks).

I think I've beaten that horse enough.
Not to mention that when it is super hot the air wants to combust before its ignited...id say that is 50% of why hot air blows for internalcombustion

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I would have to say that my FZ6 feels about 20% more powerful when it's 50 degrees instead of 100 degrees.
Thanks - makes sense on the air density. So cooler air is significantly noticeable on the power, eh?
Will it then make any noticeable difference if is stick a sheet of heat shield under my airbox?

Its quite pricey.

I dont think it would help much being on hot days there is just so much residual heat everywhere around the airbox. If it would help I think yamaha would have done it to begin with or maybe it would and that was just another item to keep the price down

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I wish there was an easy way to run a insulated ram air intake line to the air box from the front of the bike...my intake temp is always at least 5 degrees warmer than the ambient temperature.
i don't have this problem, 15C counts as a warm day in the UK :D

Must be nice I love the cold but I live in the south where 90+ is average and we dont even know what snow looks like

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Must be nice I love the cold but I live in the south where 90+ is average and we dont even know what snow looks like

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Orly? Atlanta had a huge blizzard last winter! My cousin lives on the northside near Alpharetta, 12" + ! More than we had in Central VA all winter.

I'd take a few months of 90+ over 3 months of below freezing any day! Riding when it's below 40 degrees F...sucks.
I also considered a RAM air mod. After removing the airbox it became clear that it is impossible. Due to the battery and the frame mostly.

What then about a heat shield underneath the gastank? (Cold gas = more HP)
Orly? Atlanta had a huge blizzard last winter! My cousin lives on the northside near Alpharetta, 12" + ! More than we had in Central VA all winter.

I'd take a few months of 90+ over 3 months of below freezing any day! Riding when it's below 40 degrees F...sucks.

He prolly was exaggerating a bit kinda like I was but the heavest snow we got last winter was west of that area and it was only 4" but everyone freaked out like they always do because the roads were iced over for about a week. But I used to not mind riding when its down around freezing with my heated gear but that was on a dl650 with good wind protection now im naked so this winter could be interesting

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He prolly was exaggerating a bit kinda like I was but the heavest snow we got last winter was west of that area and it was only 4" but everyone freaked out like they always do because the roads were iced over for about a week. But I used to not mind riding when its down around freezing with my heated gear but that was on a dl650 with good wind protection now im naked so this winter could be interesting

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I need heated gear and snowmobile gear if I'm going to ride below 40 degrees F. I have like 5% body fat...I get cold just being outside when it's 45 degrees!
I need heated gear and snowmobile gear if I'm going to ride below 40 degrees F. I have like 5% body fat...I get cold just being outside when it's 45 degrees!

Skinny people are funny :spank: J/K I'm like 6'2" and 285. I have built in heat gear. Riding season stops the day it snows...and it accumulates. (and starts when it melts ROFL)
Skinny people are funny :spank: J/K I'm like 6'2" and 285. I have built in heat gear. Riding season stops the day it snows...and it accumulates. (and starts when it melts ROFL)

Pretty much the difference between a Polar Bear and a Spider Monkey in cold tolerance levels. :thumbup:
I need heated gear and snowmobile gear if I'm going to ride below 40 degrees F. I have like 5% body fat...I get cold just being outside when it's 45 degrees!

Haha, that's how it is where I live, near the coast in the mountains. It's the kind of cold that just cuts through whatever your're wearing, as if it weren't even there. lol I rode quite a bit last winter, when it was always around 40-42 F. Winter gloves helped tremendously. Then again, other than cold hands, I don't mind being cold. Hot on the other hand......