Have you ever...........

Have you ever run from the cops on your motorcycle?

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No one got a summons in the mail. Guess the cop couldn't make out any plates for sure or was just really full of steam. Many people just bolted after seeing the blues.

No one got a summons in the mail. Guess the cop couldn't make out any plates for sure or was just really full of steam. Many people just bolted after seeing the blues.


if you got the summons in the mail couldn't you say that he was mistaken and it wasn't you?

I would have argued that i was thinking of selling my bike and had a few people test ride it that day so it wasn't you and since there was a few people you could not tell for sure who it was = no ticket...
as with most of you i was on a dirt bike and i was young. as the cops followed me (driving a dirtbike on a golf course is illegal) i drove into a cemetary and rode way around to the back (the road was a big circle around all of the graves) and cut back through the grass and hightailed it home. i dont think i rode that bike for a month after that. My dad asked me about it when he heard it through a cop friend of his, i denied it but i think he knew..... never again
as with most of you i was on a dirt bike and i was young. as the cops followed me (driving a dirtbike on a golf course is illegal) i drove into a cemetary and rode way around to the back (the road was a big circle around all of the graves) and cut back through the grass and hightailed it home. i dont think i rode that bike for a month after that. My dad asked me about it when he heard it through a cop friend of his, i denied it but i think he knew..... never again

crazy kids...
I would never do it, but that's probably because I'm the one with the red and blues. There are too many ways to get caught. Just because you out run them at that time, doesn't mean your home free. Bikes are easy to identify, riders were clothing thats easy to see, and everybody brags when they get away. Since Elude is a crime, the violator doesn't have to be stopped right away to get arrested. Investigation can be done relatively easy. Just my two cents, I don't usually give chase to bikes only because they tend to crash and people get hurt. If they don't stop, I'll just get them later.
I would never do it, but that's probably because I'm the one with the red and blues. There are too many ways to get caught. Just because you out run them at that time, doesn't mean your home free. Bikes are easy to identify, riders were clothing thats easy to see, and everybody brags when they get away. Since Elude is a crime, the violator doesn't have to be stopped right away to get arrested. Investigation can be done relatively easy. Just my two cents, I don't usually give chase to bikes only because they tend to crash and people get hurt. If they don't stop, I'll just get them later.

sounds logical to me. time to buy that harley jacket everyone around here has........ j/k
There is one person on here that I know is: yes, and got caught
but he hasn't voted yet.:confused: maybe he's :eek:
Back in the summer of 85... an RZ350 pilot with full leathers could see a ghost car coming head on that decided to flip the cherries on and do a u-turn and pursue... the RZ pilot dropped 2 gears and went WOT... traffic was thick for a car, but not that bad for the bike so the RZ was able to escape easily...
When I was young, I was driving home in my car, the journey was quite long, about an hour, around town, so I liked to press on. I came up behind this other car doing 29mph, the limit is 30mph. Followed him for a little while down this long road, its reasonable quiet but he insists on doing 29mph. So, I was young remember, I put my foot down and goes by the car in a very slick manoeuvre. The other car disappears as I carry on down the road; not very fast about 35-40mph which most people do on clear roads. I arrive at a set of traffic lights, am waiting for the green, then all of a sudden it is like close encounters behind me, lights bells the works. The car I had overtaken was in fact an un-marked police car. The driver of the car, now with a nice hat on, points at a turning so I took that as a hint to go over there.

I parked up and a male and female officer get out behind me and tell me to stand on the pavement. The very attractive female officer starts to quiz me, while the other one looks round the car. She is giving me the usual routine; is it your car, do you know why we pulled you over etc. It is then I notice that her blouse has buckled between the buttons; exposing her bra and a portion of her rather nice chest area. It was a very warm day in the middle of summer and I was quite young, did I mention that? About halfway thru I noticed that she was beginning the glisten under the blouse then a bead of moisture began to appear. As she was speaking the bead rolled down her chest and she stuttered slightly as it passed down her body. Our eyes met, I had been starring at her chest most of the time, then, as if by magic, the other officer appeared, he could not find fault with the car he said. They had a bit of a chat next to their police car. She looked at me a couple of times. They came back and gave me a good talking to and let me off with a “producer”, show your documents at a police station with in 7 days.

I must say it was a most pleasurable experience.:thumbup:
My buddy and I ran from the cops and "kind of" got caught, this was when I was very young, 18, and very DUMB!

My buddy had bought a Yamaha TX500 (Google it, it is really old UGLY) and he had it painted Kenny Roberts colors and had yellow leather flat track pants to match. Being DUMB, I bought a 1973 TX 500 too, being DUMB and poor, I had a Levi's jean jacket with a big ass YAMAHA patch sewn on the back. We were squiding around, on 15 year old ribbed tires, and the cops tired to pull us over. We took off down a bicycle path that the cop's cruiser couldn't get down, cut through a neighborhood that was next to ours. We were going like 75mph in a residental. (DUMB, remember???) We cut across to our neighborhood and saw the cops about a mile away, they saw us too. He opened the garage door and we put the bikes inside. We ran from the garage into the kitchen where his mom was cooking dinner, "Hi, Mrs. Scully, how are you today?" "Would you boys like some milk and cookies." "Naw, we're fine." We went down to the basement and stuffed our gear into a closet and turned on the TV. Man we thought we had it made. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! We looked out the garden level window and saw a cop pounding on the front door! OH SH$T!!!! Mr. Scully answers the door, he had been asleep on the couch. He spoke to the cop and finally the cop left. Clump, clump, clump. We hear him walking down the stairs. We figure we are toast, burnt toast. He looks at us, says nothing, and goes upstairs and pours another hi-ball...
Here's another sort of caught story.

On August 30th of 2005 Katrina hit New Orleans and my Guard unit got a stand by order to provide Soliders and equipment to support the relief afforts. FINALLY the Governor of Lou give the Gov of Texas the okay to send troops across the border. (Texas then invaded Lou) We got the warning order on a Tuesday and by Thursday they said they had enough First Sergeants for the Task Force so they wouldn't need me. I live in Austin, my unit was in Dallas, 210 miles away. So I get a call Friday at 10:00, "Top we need you, the convoy SPs (begins) at 16:00." I leave work, throw my ready bags in the car and hit I-35 by 11:00. I finally get out of Austin and I am flying in my 528i, 95, 105, 115 mph when it is safe to do so. Flashers on, high beams, horn when needed. I pass about five cars, I'm going 95. I go over a rise and a State Trooper is there. I just pull over. He walks up and before he can say anything I had him my orders and military ID and explain that I have to get to my unit. All he says is be safe. I hit it again. I pass the same 5 cars at 95 again, and sure as SH$T, I go over another rise and there is a county sheriff. I pull over again, he says, "GO!" I'm gone again. Pass the same five cars for the third time! Go about 5 miles and. BAM! I'm pulled over again, I never see cops on I-35. I ask him if he would call ahead and let the other police officer let a green BMW go, otherwise the convoy rolls without me and I'll have to chase them to N.O. He agrees and I had no problems for the rest of the trip. In fact he gave me an escort though his area at 105mph!
Here's another sort of caught story.

On August 30th of 2005 Katrina hit New Orleans and my Guard unit got a stand by order to provide Soliders and equipment to support the relief afforts. FINALLY the Governor of Lou give the Gov of Texas the okay to send troops across the border. (Texas then invaded Lou) We got the warning order on a Tuesday and by Thursday they said they had enough First Sergeants for the Task Force so they wouldn't need me. I live in Austin, my unit was in Dallas, 210 miles away. So I get a call Friday at 10:00, "Top we need you, the convoy SPs (begins) at 16:00." I leave work, throw my ready bags in the car and hit I-35 by 11:00. I finally get out of Austin and I am flying in my 528i, 95, 105, 115 mph when it is safe to do so. Flashers on, high beams, horn when needed. I pass about five cars, I'm going 95. I go over a rise and a State Trooper is there. I just pull over. He walks up and before he can say anything I had him my orders and military ID and explain that I have to get to my unit. All he says is be safe. I hit it again. I pass the same 5 cars at 95 again, and sure as SH, I go over another rise and there is a county sheriff. I pull over again, he says, "GO!" I'm gone again. Pass the same five cars for the third time! Go about 5 miles and. BAM! I'm pulled over again, I never see cops on I-35. I ask him if he would call ahead and let the other police officer let a green BMW go, otherwise the convoy rolls without me and I'll have to chase them to N.O. He agrees and I had no problems for the rest of the trip. In fact he gave me an escort though his area at 105mph!

thats tight, and bad ass
Here's another sort of caught story.

On August 30th of 2005 Katrina hit New Orleans and my Guard unit got a stand by order to provide Soliders and equipment to support the relief afforts. FINALLY the Governor of Lou give the Gov of Texas the okay to send troops across the border. (Texas then invaded Lou) We got the warning order on a Tuesday and by Thursday they said they had enough First Sergeants for the Task Force so they wouldn't need me. I live in Austin, my unit was in Dallas, 210 miles away. So I get a call Friday at 10:00, "Top we need you, the convoy SPs (begins) at 16:00." I leave work, throw my ready bags in the car and hit I-35 by 11:00. I finally get out of Austin and I am flying in my 528i, 95, 105, 115 mph when it is safe to do so. Flashers on, high beams, horn when needed. I pass about five cars, I'm going 95. I go over a rise and a State Trooper is there. I just pull over. He walks up and before he can say anything I had him my orders and military ID and explain that I have to get to my unit. All he says is be safe. I hit it again. I pass the same 5 cars at 95 again, and sure as SH, I go over another rise and there is a county sheriff. I pull over again, he says, "GO!" I'm gone again. Pass the same five cars for the third time! Go about 5 miles and. BAM! I'm pulled over again, I never see cops on I-35. I ask him if he would call ahead and let the other police officer let a green BMW go, otherwise the convoy rolls without me and I'll have to chase them to N.O. He agrees and I had no problems for the rest of the trip. In fact he gave me an escort though his area at 105mph!

That was real cool of them for doing that.
As with many posts on this thread, mine starts 'When I was young'.... Me & my mates all had 'Sports' mopeds. 50cc machines that would do 50ish mph. Mine was a Yamaha FS1E. We used to hang around a village where all the good looking girls lived. When the girls weren't out or we were bored we would bait 'Bob the Nob'

'Bob the Nob' was the village copper, that the local constabulary had seen fit to equip with an MZ 150 motorcycle. Bob's MZ was capable of just under 50mph. We used to tear-arse past him whooping & hollering & he would give chase. It got so we used to let him catch up & then split off in several different direction, he'd usually give up at this point.

The next day he'd find us hanging around outside the Chinese Take-away, 'Was that you that passed me last night?' 'No Bob, not us'

Bearing mind we were 16. Bob was ancient, he must have been 21 /22. I think he actually enjoyed the fun off the chase. Or perhaps he was just bideing his time until he got a Norton Commando. Ah! Happy days.
I ran from about 230 of them several years ago.

They chased me along roads and through fields, at times I thought they were going to catch me but I knew I had to keep going as long as I could.

My plan worked and I became the British police cross country champion.

Never have, and never will. I like life a little too much!;)

Agreed. That, and I have too much respect for myself and the others who benefit from my being a good person. I'm not gonna lie, though, I am a little disappointed that the hubby says he would run....