Have you ever run out of fuel on the FZ6?

I didn't think it was a old wise tale but that just reasures me to keep doing what I have been as far as trying to always keep it above a 1/4
Never ran out of gas on the FZ6 yet. My first bike, (96 bandit) i ran out of gas multiple times. Also, my pet**** valve was broke so i could never use the gas in my reserve tank :banghead:The first time i ran out of gas, happened to be in front of a campaign office of someone running for Mayor in a local small town. One of the employees was outside smoking a cigarette and asked if i needed a ride to the gas station, she drove me to the gas station and paid for my 2 gallons of 93 octane. I told her i would vote for the candidate but i never did because i was 17 at the time and not able to vote :D
i never ran out but used to stretch my fuel out to the max a few times i thought i wouldnt have enough , now i fuel when i come to half a tank :), also more rests Ftw
Im on F now, thanks for the reminder
Better fill up

Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat fingers...you know!
I get 45-50mph and the reserve comes on at .9 gal remaining.

I've gone 40 miles before filling up. Speaking of the tank, I learned a lesson last month. On a long trip (see Taos 2011 ride report) I stopped at a gas station and the pump's auto shutoff was broken so it promptly overfilled and spilled gas everywhere. I pulled out a small plastic tube I carry for a syphon (you never know!) and drained out about a a dollar's worth of fuel or so.

I normally refuel every 200 miles and by 150 miles the bike was still indicating 1/2 a tank. Turns out that the gas tank has a lot more room then I normally fill it up to, if you put the gas nozle just below the hole and slowly fill up. It says 5.5 gallon tank but even when I've been empty I've only been able to get 4.5 gallons in. Maybe I just wasn't filling up all the way ;)

Anyhow, that could be good to know if you find yourself on a trip that has 200 miles in between gas stations... (like Nevada)
I filled up today after being on reserve for 43 k's and it only took 17.44 lts so I should have 2 lts left.
Did a total of 364 k's on 17.44 lts :thumbup:
I've done a maximum of 46km on reserve till now... Has happened to me a couple of times on a Sunday where open gas stations are difficult to find! :p I think it might have some more left but I didn't risk it... :p
I have never run out, almost always I've calculated 50 mpg. Having a 5 gallon tank, I usually go no more then 220 miles, I usually fill at about 175.
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Have any of you ever run out of fuel while riding the FZ6? How many miles after the light starts blinking did you make it?

My fuel light has been blinking and I usually don't go more than 10 miles after it starts blinking.
I'm close to 15 miles now...hopefully I can make the gas station 7 miles away.
My father has an fz6 too and he ran out after ten miles, good luck and dont wear too many clothes and maybe risk some sensible walking shoes, just incase.....
I've gone 35 miles or so on one occasion... thought I had plenty of room left, since the reserve is quoted at .95 gallon. I guess I was lucky!
I just did 20miles after warning light came on. There are plenty of gas stations by me, I saw no sense of trying it maximum limits since I wasn't in the mood of walking.....:BLAA:
I was on a ride from SF to Napa with friends and I was down 1-2 bars of fuel and decided I'd have plenty of opportunity to fill up at some point on the way. How wrong I was...I was 40 miles into my reserve when we finally hit a gas station and I still had 0.2 gallons left ...was shortshifting for the last 20 miles and keeping the revs low.
10 ks after the last digit started to flash, filled up and would have still had 4 litres left so reserve is at nearly 25% I reckon I could get 60 k's more....easily
Just stared to run 98 octane and the performance is better and the mileage is down for not much more $
can't complain
I got lost on a backroad ride and made it to 36 miles before getting to a station. By that point I was turning the engine off on downhills and scoping out what farms looked friendly, but it made it.