Have you ever been pulled over on your bike?

Have you ever been pulled over by the police while riding your motorcycle?

  • No, I have never been pulled over.

    Votes: 81 59.6%
  • Yes, but I didn't get a ticket!

    Votes: 30 22.1%
  • Yes, and I got a ticket!

    Votes: 23 16.9%
  • Yes, I got a ticket and went to jail!

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
All right folks, this is a question if we have ever gotten pulled over on our bikes, not being in our cage. As there is another thread and poll for that.

If a picture helps to help explain what I mean, member Troubl has been so kind to provide us with one.

I like this one....


my favorite...

Had to say yes, cause I'm assuming you're asking in our lifetime of riding?
Got one in 19....................(a long time ago), when I was going to Jr. College - it was my only trans. & I was late for class!:(
Cops were always lurking around the school for my type!
I got stopped not long ago. On my way home from work at 6am. I was cold (about 28 degrees) and rolled on.... Thing about oregon is they use "aggressive driver" cars (read unmarked, off color GT Mustangs). Since then I stay just above the speed limit.
Been pulled over once when I was flying thru some S curves along whats called the silver strand in San Diego. Between Imperial Beach and Coronado. It was by a motorcycle cop who was sitting at a parking lot along side the road. He chased me down and said that I was clocked at 80 but he knew I was going faster before I let off the gas. Gave me some kind of ticket that just said excessive speed, bla, bla, bla.
Another time just before getting out on the same stretch of road late at night someone was flashing me with their head lights. I figgured someone wanted to steal my bike if I pulled over. They followed me out of town (Imperial Beach) and I had never seen how fast my bike (Honda Hurricane 600 at the time) could go, now was a good time. Up ahead was some flashing lights. Dozens of times I have slowed down when I saw lights flashing thinking it might be a cop and it was just hazzard light on a car. I kept it WOT and it was a cop. He had just enough time to turn and look at me as I went past him standing at some other persons car window at close to 140 m.p.h. The Navy base was a mile or so away and I pulled up to the gate, showed my ID and went to the barraks. I'm sure the guy in the car was like, I was only doing 10 over. What the hell about that guy.
I kept it WOT and it was a cop. He had just enough time to turn and look at me as I went past him standing at some other persons car window at close to 140 m.p.h. The Navy base was a mile or so away and I pulled up to the gate, showed my ID and went to the barraks.

I was wondering if that cop, or any other cop in that matter, would have any jurisdiction following you onto and possibly into the base?
Last month (July), I was doing seventy-something down a 55 mph multi-lane open-access highway o n my FZ6 when I saw the LEO coming the other way in the distance. I backed down to within 5 mph of the speed limit by the time we passed each other. He turned around and promptly pulled me over.
Reason: he said he couldn't make out the inspection sticker on my license plate! No ticket, and he actually apologized for pulling me over!

I've been stopped only that one time on the FZ6, but on previous bikes, well, let's say more than a couple times.

Back in 1990, I had a legendary episode in Florida on 95 while carrying a girlfriend (of that time) from West Virginia on my '82 Maxim 650. On Thanksgiving morning, we were trying to make it from Key West to her mother's house in Ft. Lauderdale in time for the holiday dinner.

We were moving along at a good clip, when I saw a FHP ahead (he had a cage stopped) and backed off the throttle. The officer walked out into the first lane of 95 north and waved me over.
"Yes, officer, is there something I can do?"
LEO: "The trooper coming up behind you wants to talk with you"
Me: (turning to look behind me) "Uh, where is he?"
LEO: "Oh, he'll be along in a minute"

After a few moments, I could see the light bar flashing in the distance, no, wait, two, no three... Mustang GT's!
The lead Mustang GT slid to stop in the grass off the side of the shoulder and the trooper jumped out waving his smokey bear hat and said "Eeeehah! What kind a bike you got you there, boy?"

Me: "Just a 650 Yamaha Maxim, officer"

Lead LEO: "I've been trying to catch your @$$ and haven't been able to close the distance for the last 5 miles. The bear in the air clocked you at an AVERAGE of 117 mph over a seven-mile course, and we'd say you were hitting 130 or better at times! Where are you going in such an all-fired hurry?"

Me: "We're trying to make it to Kimbra's mom's in Ft. Lauderdale for Thanksgiving dinner"

Lead LEO: "Well, ordinarily, we'd have to arrest you and impound the bike for that kind of excessive speed, but I'll tell you what... because I like you, I'm going to write you up for 14 over, 69 in a 55."

He went on to provide me the papers to attend a four hour driver safety class to have the ticket 'adjudicated' (wiped out like it never happened), so my NJ driver license wouldn't see any points, and my insurance company wouldn't find out, either.

It worked out that the total cost of the 'safety class', the adjudication and airline ticket to fly down for the class came to be way less than paying the ticket, accepting the points and paying the subsequent increase in insurance premiums. It pays to be polite and friendly.
Yup .... a whole lot of times. I don't usually stop though ...... :Flip:

Been arrested too, although that was in the cage, and a travesty of justice :rtfm:

Arresting people on the side of the road seems to have become the flavour of the month for our cops, although been like this for a few years now. It's in fact a MAJOR part of the reason i bought a bike :rockon:

But cars and bikes with no plates is a big problem they have here, since the only enforcement they do is hiding behind bushes with speed trap cameras. They then ambush people on the way to work (in stop-go traffic) and arrest them for outstanding fines.

Hence no plate = no fines, unless they pull you over ... and i don't mean stand on the side of the road and motion to you, they've started using modded BMW M5's as chase cars. Apparently very effective.

Aside from the big roadblocks they mount, our saving grace is that the average speedy is too lazy to chase someone, they'd rather just stop the next guy.
got pulled over and was not going as fast as he said i was, took a day off and went to court to fight it, his word against mine, he won... got the ticket reduced by 1 mph, which actually equated to $100 less of a ticket.
Pulled over once, not ticketed. Cop was a fellow rider who appreciated the fact that I was fully geared and licensed. :rockon::thumbup:
never on my fz6 but was pulled last week riding two up on my honda c90 i use for work. copper said he had never seen anything like it in his life!e:thumbup: