Harley rider refuses to pull over

the last thing i'm going to say about this is please value life. Remember Trayvon.

....what....I'm lost....

A how does a over zealous neighborhood watchman compare to a police officer doing his job and how does a kid walking down the street compare to a guy riding a bike who none of us here know why the officer was trying to pull him over to begin with...
....what....I'm lost....

A how does a over zealous neighborhood watchman compare to a police officer doing his job and how does a kid walking down the street compare to a guy riding a bike who none of us here know why the officer was trying to pull him over to begin with...

abuse of power. just like how zimmerman shot that little 12 year old kid. zimmerman weighs like 250 pounds and Trayvon was about 120 pounds. He did not need to do that. they both thought they could get away with it, well justice has prevailed in at least one case. Zimmerman, you are next!
What abuse of power? The video shows nothing of why he was pulling him over to begin with... It could be anything!!! And what do you mean by justice has prevailed do you have a link to this story or just still assuming?
i have seen the same video somewhere else with sound. The loud speaker is working on the cop car. It didn't show him tap the back of the bike while he was riding. But the guy had enough skills to keep it up right so he should have stopped. I don't think it was the smartest thing to do but he was ignoring the cop. Everyone knows here that cars are big lumbering boxes that are not that nimble. The cop didn't tap him hard enough to put the bike on the ground which if it was another car he would have spun it out to get him to stop. So the teaching part of the story is stop cus your cop might not have the skils to just tap your bike,
abuse of power. just like how zimmerman shot that little 12 year old kid. zimmerman weighs like 250 pounds and Trayvon was about 120 pounds. He did not need to do that. they both thought they could get away with it, well justice has prevailed in at least one case. Zimmerman, you are next!

I would just like to say that this thread has officially spiralled out of control. :)

That said, you're showing your bias. Trayvon was 17 I believe, not 12. And he was 160, not 120. Look it up. I don't know if he was murdered in cold blood or not and neither do you.

Likewise, I also know nothing about this rider, and neither do any of you.
abuse of power. just like how zimmerman shot that little 12 year old kid. zimmerman weighs like 250 pounds and Trayvon was about 120 pounds. He did not need to do that. they both thought they could get away with it, well justice has prevailed in at least one case. Zimmerman, you are next!

Also let's say for ****s and giggles that they guy on the Harley just broke into your house, robbed you blind, shot your dog, and beat your wife. This cop was the one responding to the call he tell the biker to stop and get off, he doesn't, as we have all scene from the video. Would you still walk up to the cop and say "sir would you just let him go, he's not wearing a helmet and I don't want anything bad to happen, his life is still valuable!!!"
all criminals should be immediately apologized to, given a free car, free house, free $50000/month income for life, butler, maid, foot massage daily, hugs every hour, free medical, free dental, full access to all bank vaults, free guns and free full access to all schools, more hugs and more money.
i have seen the same video somewhere else with sound. The loud speaker is working on the cop car. It didn't show him tap the back of the bike while he was riding. But the guy had enough skills to keep it up right so he should have stopped. I don't think it was the smartest thing to do but he was ignoring the cop. Everyone knows here that cars are big lumbering boxes that are not that nimble. The cop didn't tap him hard enough to put the bike on the ground which if it was another car he would have spun it out to get him to stop. So the teaching part of the story is stop cus your cop might not have the skils to just tap your bike,

Touche good sir! Cops regularly use the pit maneuver on cars as a means to end a chase when they wont stop and this could just as easily result in death or injury. Like I stated earlier, this guy is not above the law, and if he thinks he can just ignore the officer, he is sorely mistaken. The officer could have rammed him a lot harder and ensure that he knocked the guy off the bike, but he didnt.

All said and done I would say the officer did a great job and acted in a professional manner. The chase ended with the guy not being injured even after he blatantly ran from the police and ignored several previous attempts by the officer to get him to shut down his machine.
I don’t actually think that video is funny, but I’m an old curmudgeon so I hope you’ll give me some slack on that. Doing things like what that dufus did don’t really make a lot of sense to me, but they seem to happen quite often. There are a number of states, such as Florida, where committing a felony with a motor vehicle results in seizure of the vehicle, so if that happened in one of those states, dufus lost his bike. But I’ll bet he’ll get another one in due time (when he gets out, that is). What I’d like to see is the total revocation of one’s license for felonies such as the one in the vid. Driving is supposed to be a privilege and, imo, the motorcycle community appreciates that privilege more than any other group that uses the roads. The highways are filling up to the point where I don’t think law enforcement can actually enforce anymore and then you have cases like this…and similar cases of idiocy where people are actually put in harms way by other motorists. If loss of one’s vehicle isn’t enough of a wake up call, I think loss of one’s license…forever, period, no appeal, no forgiveness…may be the next level we need.
Also let's say for ****s and giggles that they guy on the Harley just broke into your house, robbed you blind, shot your dog, and beat your wife. This cop was the one responding to the call he tell the biker to stop and get off, he doesn't, as we have all scene from the video. Would you still walk up to the cop and say "sir would you just let him go, he's not wearing a helmet and I don't want anything bad to happen, his life is still valuable!!!"

Chevy let me answer your question for sloring... Yes sloring would still want the cop to let the guy go. Sloring sounds just like a guy a work with who no matter what situation is thinks that cops are bullies who abuse their power, have too much pride, and are out to shot first and ask questions later.

For example my co-worker doesn't understand why a cop un-snaps his holster and puts his hand on his gun when making a traffic stop. The entire office was trying to explain to him that the cop has no idea who's in the car and the cop does that for his own safety. not a power trip
I hope you guys are not looking in career in law enforcement because you would not last long. You don't ram someone on a motorcycle, especially when when rider is not wearing a helmet, for obviously reason. How much force does it take for a head to crack open when it hits concrete? Heck, a simple fall off a nonmoving bike and you fell on your head will cause serious injury. You simply cannot do that and shame on anyone who's on the cop's side. All for what, so he can get a traffic ticket? It's not worth it, let him go. LET HIM GO. You have his license plate, get him another day. Please value human life!

If he was pointing a gun a you, that's a different story...but obviously he wasn't.

I'm sorry but I completely disagree. If a car is on the road and the police officer see that they are not wearing a seat belt you are saying that they cannot force them off the road? If you decide not to wear a helmet then that is your choice. The officer tried to get him to pull over and he refused to stop, he put his own life in danger. This should inform people not to run from the police because they will get you pulled over one way or another. Running from the police is a crime! They can you force if they see fit!
Something else to think about, most states have a no chase law for motorcycles if it is for a simple traffic violation, and the officers are only supposed to pursue a fleeing motorcycle if they are suspected of another crime other than a moving violation. Im not sure how many or which states are like this but I know a lot are and IF that is the case for this video then the motorcyclist obviously was wanted for something a little more serious, once again IF that is the case where this took place
I will just say this - rarely does one "win" an argument or fight with a cop. You should not attempt to do so, and if you do, you do so at your own peril.

That said, *irrespective of this video*, it certainly seems like policemen these days use deadly force in too many situations. I have family who are retired policemen, by the way.

I think that if a policeman shoots and kills someone who later proves to have been unarmed (and also not pretending to be armed), they should automatically loose their job and their right to carry a weapon as a peace officer. There may need to be some latitude with that policy for extenuating circumstances, I admit.

Look at it this way: I have a job. What I do for a living is irrelevant.

If I make a mistake at my job, my employer has the right to fire me.

In my mind, if my mistake entailed accidentally killing someone, then I deserve to lose my job. Certainly I don't deserve to be trusted with a weapon, for a living.

Cops must defend themselves, and they have a rotten job that at many times a day is personally hazardous, and they deal with the lowest scum in society. This is everywhere, in every country. I respect the hard job that they have.

I also recognize that none of them were conscripted into service - they chose a career in law enforcement, fully aware of the dangers of that occupation.

People make mistakes, and cops are people too. All I am saying is that if their mistake entails shooting and killing an unarmed suspect, they need to lose their jobs for their error.

Again, I'm not commenting on this video specifically. That officer's actions must be judged in the context of the rules of his/her jurisdiction, training, and circumstances leading up to where the video begins.
I've got a couple pennies:

Life is full of risk. Drivers assume risk for the freedom of going wherever their car takes them. We as riders accept even more risk for yet even more freedom/fun/efficiency/etc. And when a person (driving or riding) consciously elects to not obey a simple command from the police, they assume a much larger risk.

What I'm getting at is, you can't simply call a motorcycle "BASE!" as we did as children during a game of tag.